Opened 10 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#3085 closed Bug (Fixed)
wrong examples
Reported by: | Tweaky | Owned by: | Jpm |
Milestone: | | Component: | Documentation |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
the examples of the two functions are swap
_Excel_ColumnToLetter / _Excel_ColumnToNumber
in the examples of the following functions, the function does not appear
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Change History (7)
comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by guinness
comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by mLipok
Please change this:
Local $hFirst = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetFirstVisible($idTreeView) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", "The handle of the first visible item: " & $hFirst)
to this:
Local $hFirst = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetFirstItem($idTreeView) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", "The handle of the topmost or very first item: " & $hFirst)
comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by mLipok
comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by mLipok
is showing how to: ; using a sub-string match.
This would be beter to add new parameter:
Here is proposal:
Func _IELinkClickByText(ByRef $oObject, $sLinkText, $iIndex = 0, $iWait = 1''', $bRegExp = False''') If Not IsObj($oObject) Then __IEConsoleWriteError("Error", "_IELinkClickByText", "$_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType") Return SetError($_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) EndIf ; Local $iFound = 0, $sModeLinktext, $oLinks = $oObject.document.links $iIndex = Number($iIndex) For $oLink In $oLinks $sModeLinktext = String($oLink.outerText) ''';~ If $sModeLinktext = $sLinkText Then''' If $sModeLinktext = $sLinkText Or ($bRegExp And StringRegExp($sModeLinktext, $sLinkText, 0) = 1) Then If ($iFound = $iIndex) Then $ If @error Then ; Trap COM error, report and return __IEConsoleWriteError("Error", "_IELinkClickByText", "$_IESTATUS_COMError", @error) Return SetError($_IESTATUS_COMError, @error, 0) EndIf If $iWait Then _IELoadWait($oObject) Return SetError(@error, 0, -1) EndIf Return SetError($_IESTATUS_Success, 0, -1) EndIf $iFound = $iFound + 1 EndIf Next __IEConsoleWriteError("Warning", "_IELinkClickByText", "$_IESTATUS_NoMatch") Return SetError($_IESTATUS_NoMatch, 0, 0) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 3 or both EndFunc ;==>_IELinkClickByText
#include <StringConstants.au3>
comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by mLipok
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiTreeView.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $aidItem[2], $idTreeView Local $iStyle = BitOR($TVS_EDITLABELS, $TVS_HASBUTTONS, $TVS_HASLINES, $TVS_LINESATROOT, $TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, $TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $TVS_CHECKBOXES) GUICreate("TreeView Set Height", 400, 300) $idTreeView = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(2, 2, 396, 268, $iStyle, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) _GUICtrlTreeView_BeginUpdate($idTreeView) For $x = 0 To UBound($aidItem) - 1 $aidItem[$x] = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem(StringFormat("[%02d] New Item", $x + 1), $idTreeView) Next _GUICtrlTreeView_EndUpdate($idTreeView) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", StringFormat("Item Height? %s", _GUICtrlTreeView_GetHeight($idTreeView))) _GUICtrlTreeView_SetHeight($idTreeView,100) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", StringFormat("Item Height? %s", _GUICtrlTreeView_GetHeight($idTreeView))) ; Loop until the user exits. Do Until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete() EndFunc ;==>Example
comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by mLipok
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiScrollBars.au3> #include <StructureConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $g_idMemo Example() Func Example() Local $hGUIMsg, $hGUI, $tag_SCROLLINFO $hGUI = GUICreate("ScrollBar Example", 400, 400, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_SIZEBOX)) $g_idMemo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 2, 32, 380, 226, BitOR($WS_HSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetResizing($g_idMemo, $GUI_DOCKALL) GUICtrlSetFont($g_idMemo, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New") GUISetBkColor(0x88AABB) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) _GUIScrollBars_Init($hGUI) MemoWrite("--------------------------------------" & @CRLF) $tag_SCROLLINFO = _GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoEx($hGUI, $SB_CTL) MemoWrite("scroll bar control" & @CRLF) MemoWrite("cbSize.......: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "cbSize")) MemoWrite("fMask........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "fMask")) MemoWrite("nMin.........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nMin")) MemoWrite("nPage........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nPage")) MemoWrite("nPos.........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nPos")) MemoWrite("nTrackPos....: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nTrackPos")) MemoWrite("--------------------------------------" & @CRLF) $tag_SCROLLINFO = _GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoEx($hGUI, $SB_HORZ) MemoWrite("Horizontal" & @CRLF) MemoWrite("cbSize.......: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "cbSize")) MemoWrite("fMask........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "fMask")) MemoWrite("nMin.........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nMin")) MemoWrite("nPage........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nPage")) MemoWrite("nPos.........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nPos")) MemoWrite("nTrackPos....: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nTrackPos")) MemoWrite("--------------------------------------" & @CRLF) $tag_SCROLLINFO = _GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoEx($hGUI, $SB_VERT) MemoWrite("Vertical" & @CRLF) MemoWrite("cbSize.......: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "cbSize")) MemoWrite("fMask........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "fMask")) MemoWrite("nMin.........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nMin")) MemoWrite("nPage........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nPage")) MemoWrite("nPos.........: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nPos")) MemoWrite("nTrackPos....: " & DllStructGetData($tag_SCROLLINFO, "nTrackPos")) MemoWrite("--------------------------------------" & @CRLF) While 1 $hGUIMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $hGUIMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd Exit EndFunc ;==>Example ; Write a line to the memo control Func MemoWrite($sMessage) GUICtrlSetData($g_idMemo, $sMessage & @CRLF, 1) EndFunc ;==>MemoWrite
comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by Jpm
- Milestone set to
- Owner set to Jpm
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
Fixed by revision [11489] in version:
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- You cannot re-open a ticket but you may still leave a comment if you have additional information to add.
- In-depth discussions should take place on the forum.
For more information see the full version of the ticket guidelines here.
I have fixed the first part but not your second. I will leave it here for people to comment on the best course of action.