Opened 11 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#2899 closed Bug (Fixed)
WinGetHandle("LAST") : document unclear and @error bug
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | Jon |
Milestone: | | Component: | AutoIt |
Version: | | Severity: | None |
Keywords: | Cc: |
The documentation state that
should return "Last window used in a previous AutoIt command" (in "Window Titles and Text" section), and (in "WinGetHandle" section) "sets the @error flag to non-zero if the window is not found."
GUICreate("Test") GUISetBkColor(0x0) GUISetState() ;Local $hWin = WinGetHandle("[ACTIVE]") ;WinMove($hWin, "", 0, 0) Local $hWin1 = WinGetHandle("[LAST]") ConsoleWrite($hWin1 & ' - ' & @error & ' - '& VarGetType($hWin1)) Sleep(2000)
First, the documentation do not say that it's only return the window which is processed with only Win...() function but not GUI...() function. This can make people misunderstood.
Second, when no previous window is found, it NOT set @error at all. In the example above, it return a pointer with value 0, and @error also set to 0.
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Change History (1)
comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jon
- Milestone set to
- Owner set to Jon
- Resolution set to Fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
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Fixed by revision [11407] in version: