
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2732 closed Feature Request (Completed)

ObjName - additional example proposal

Reported by: mLipok Owned by: Jpm
Milestone: Component: Documentation
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


$obj = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")

Func ObjName_FlagsValue(ByRef $obj)
	Local $sInfo=''

	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,1) {The name of the Object} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 1) & @CRLF

	; HELPFILE REMARKS: Not all Objects support flags 2 to 7. Always test for @error in these cases.
	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,2) {Description string of the Object} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 2)
	If @error Then $sINFO &= '@error = ' & @error
	$sINFO &= @CRLF

	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,3) {The ProgID of the Object} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 3)
	If @error Then $sINFO &= '@error = ' & @error
	$sINFO &= @CRLF

	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,4) {The file that is associated with the object in the Registry} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 4)
	If @error Then $sINFO &= '@error = ' & @error
	$sINFO &= @CRLF

	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,5) {Module name in which the object runs (WIN XP And above). Marshaller for non-inproc objects.} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 5)
	If @error Then $sINFO &= '@error = ' & @error
	$sINFO &= @CRLF

	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,6) {CLSID of the object''s coclass} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 6)
	If @error Then $sINFO &= '@error = ' & @error
	$sINFO &= @CRLF

	$sINFO &= '+>' & @TAB & 'ObjName($obj,7) {IID of the object''s interface} =' & @CRLF & @TAB & ObjName($obj, 7)
	If @error Then $sINFO &= '@error = ' & @error
	$sINFO &= @CRLF

	ConsoleWrite('!   ObjName :' & @CRLF)
	ConsoleWrite($sINFO & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>ObjName_Values

Attachments (1)

ObjName[2].au3 (1.6 KB) - added by mLipok 11 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 11 years ago by mLipok

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jpm

  • Milestone set to
  • Owner set to Jpm
  • Resolution set to Completed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Added by revision [10208] in version:

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