
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#1031 closed Bug (Fixed)

_ClipBoard_SetData inconsistency with new _ClipBoard_GetData

Reported by: Ascend4nt Owned by: Jpm
Milestone: Component: AutoIt
Version: Severity: None
Keywords: Cc:


Not sure if this is the place to put this, but this isn't really a feature request, and isn't quite (but-almost-is) a bug. It has to do with the new _ClipBoard_GetData changes made for AutoIT v3.3.1.2. See ticket #1028 @

This new version allows Binary or String input, to match the output of _ClipBoard_GetData. (It also allows the special NULL case which has something to do with the program handling Clipboard requests itself).

While this may break some code, it makes sense to me to keep it consistent with the return values of _ClipBoard_GetData, and avoids the confusing mess of allocating memory prior to a call.

I'm attaching the new (tested) code.

Attachments (1)

_ClipBoard_SetData.[Fix].au3 (6.1 KB) - added by Ascendant 16 years ago.
_ClipBoard_SetData new version

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

Changed 16 years ago by Ascendant

_ClipBoard_SetData new version

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Ascend4nt

Da*n, always forgetting something. Could you add me to the list of Author(s)? Or I could submit a new version I suppose.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Jpm

  • Milestone set to
  • Owner set to Jpm
  • Resolution set to Fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed in version:

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