Function Reference


Retrieves the non-fixed (strings) version information from the specified version-information resource

#include <WinAPIRes.au3>
_WinAPI_VerQueryValue ( $pData [, $sValues = ''] )


$pData A pointer to the buffer that contains the version-information resource returned by the
_WinAPI_GetFileVersionInfo() function.
$sValues [optional] The string containing the field names for which you want to get values. The names must be separated by a "|".
For example, "name1|name2|...|namei". If some fields do not exist, the corresponding array elements is an empty string.
If this parameter is not specified (empty string), uses the reserved names (12) in the following sequence:
    $FV_COMMENTS ("Comments")
    $FV_COMPANYNAME ("CompanyName")
    $FV_FILEDESCRIPTION ("FileDescription")
    $FV_FILEVERSION ("FileVersion")
    $FV_INTERNALNAME ("InternalName")
    $FV_LEGALCOPYRIGHT ("LegalCopyright")
    $FV_LEGALTRADEMARKS ("LegalTrademarks")
    $FV_ORIGINALFILENAME ("OriginalFilename")
    $FV_PRODUCTNAME ("ProductName")
    $FV_PRODUCTVERSION ("ProductVersion")
    $FV_PRIVATEBUILD ("PrivateBuild")
    $FV_SPECIALBUILD ("SpecialBuild")

Constants are defined in FileConstants.au3.

Return Value

Success: The 2D array of the string values that specified by $sValues parameter for each language.
The zeroth array element [0][0] contains the number of languages of the resource.
The array dimension (i) equal to the number specified parameters + 1.
The zeroth array element [n][0] contains the language identifier (ID).
[0][0] - Number of languages (n)
[0][i] - Unused
[n][0] - ID
[n][i] - Value
Failure: Sets the @error flag to non-zero.

See Also

Search VerQueryValue in MSDN Library.


#include <Array.au3>
#include <WinAPIMem.au3>
#include <WinAPIRes.au3>

Local $pData = 0
If Not _WinAPI_GetFileVersionInfo(@SystemDir & '\shell32.dll', $pData) Then

Local $aData = _WinAPI_VerQueryValue($pData)

_ArrayDisplay($aData, '_WinAPI_VerQueryValue')
