Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another
#include <WinAPIShPath.au3>
_WinAPI_PathRelativePathTo ( $sPathFrom, $bDirFrom, $sPathTo, $bDirTo )
$sPathFrom | The path to the file or directory that defines the start of the relative path. |
$bDirFrom | Specifies whether is $sPathFrom path to the directory, valid values: True - Directory. False - File. |
$sPathTo | The path to the file or directory that defines the endpoint of the relative path. |
$bDirTo | Specifies whether is $fDirTo path to the directory, valid values: True - Directory. False - File. |
Success: | The relative path. |
Failure: | Empty string. |
This function takes a pair of paths and generates a relative path from one to the other. The paths do not have
to be fully-qualified, but they must have a common prefix, otherwise, the function fails.
For example, let the starting point, $sPathFrom, be "C:\A\B\C", and the ending point, $sPathTo, be "C:\A\D".
_WinAPI_PathRelativePathTo() will return the relative path from $sPathFrom to $sPathTo as: "..\..\D\E". You will
get the same result if you set $sPathFrom to "\A\B\C" and $sPathTo to "\A\D\E". On the other hand, "C:\A\B\C"
and "D:\A\D" do not share a common prefix, and the function will fail. Note that "\" is not considered a prefix
and is ignored. If you set $sPathFrom to "\\A\B\C", and $sPathTo to "\\C\D", the function will fail.
Search PathRelativePathTo in MSDN Library.
#include <WinAPIShPath.au3>
Local $sPath = _WinAPI_PathRelativePathTo(@ScriptDir, 1, @ScriptDir & "\..", 1)
ConsoleWrite('Relative path: ' & $sPath & @CRLF)
If $sPath Then