Converts device coordinates into logical coordinates
#include <WinAPIGdi.au3>
_WinAPI_DPtoLP ( $hDC, ByRef $tPOINT [, $iCount = 1] )
$hDC | Handle to the device context. |
$tPOINT | $tagPOINT structure or structure of points ("long x1;long y1;...long xN;long yN") containing the x- and y-coordinates to be transformed. |
$iCount | [optional] The number of points. Default is 1. |
Success: | True |
Failure: | False |
The _WinAPI_DPtoLP() function fails if the device coordinates exceed 27 bits, or if the converted logical coordinates exceed 32 bits.
In the case of such an overflow, the results for all the points are undefined.
Search DPtoLP in MSDN Library.