Creates or opens a named or unnamed semaphore object
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>
_WinAPI_CreateSemaphore ( $sSemaphore, $iInitial, $iMaximum [, $tSecurity = 0] )
$sSemaphore | The name of the semaphore to be opened. Name comparisons are case sensitive. |
$iInitial | The initial count for the semaphore object. This value must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to $iMaximum. |
$iMaximum | The maximum count for the semaphore object. This value must be greater than zero. |
$tSecurity | [optional] $tagSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a security descriptor for the new semaphore. If this parameter is 0 (Default), the semaphore gets a default security descriptor. |
Success: | The handle to the newly created semaphore object. |
Failure: | 0, call _WinAPI_GetLastError() to get extended error information. |
If the named semaphore object existed before the function call, the function returns a handle to the existing object.
Any process can specify the semaphore-object handle in a call to _WinAPI_WaitFor... functions. The single-object wait functions return when the state of the specified object is signaled. The multiple-object wait functions can be instructed to return either when any one or when all of the specified objects are signaled. When a wait function returns, the waiting process is released to continue its execution.
The state of a semaphore object is signaled when its count is greater than zero, and nonsignaled when its count is equal to zero.
The $iInitial parameter specifies the initial count. Each time a waiting process is released because of the semaphore's signaled state, the count of the semaphore is decreased by one.
Use the _WinAPI_ReleaseSemaphore() function to increment a semaphore's count by a specified amount.
The count can never be less than zero or greater than the value specified in the $iMaximum parameter.
Use the _WinAPI_CloseHandle() function to close the handle. The system closes the handle automatically when the process terminates. The semaphore object is destroyed when its last handle has been closed.
_WinAPI_CloseHandle, _WinAPI_ReleaseSemaphore
Search CreateSemaphore in MSDN Library.
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPIHObj.au3>
#include <WinAPIProc.au3>
If Not @Compiled Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '', 'To run this script, you must first compile it and then run the (.exe) file.')
Local $hSemaphore = _WinAPI_CreateSemaphore('MySemaphore', 2, 2)
Func _MyGUI()
GUICreate('Test ' & StringReplace(@ScriptName, '.au3', '()'))
While 1
Switch GUIGetMsg()
EndFunc ;==>_MyGUI