Retrieves the top, left, bottom, and right margins of a ToolTip control
#include <GuiToolTip.au3>
_GUIToolTip_GetMarginEx ( $hWnd )
$hWnd | Handle to the ToolTip control (returned by _GUIToolTip_Create.) |
_GUIToolTip_GetMargin, _GUIToolTip_ToolToArray
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GUIToolTip.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
#include <WinAPITheme.au3>
Func Example()
Local $hGUI = GUICreate(StringTrimRight(@ScriptName, StringLen(".exe")), 350, 200)
Local $idButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Button", 30, 32, 130, 28)
Local $hButton = GUICtrlGetHandle($idButton)
; Create a tooltip control
Local $hToolTip = _GUIToolTip_Create($hGUI, BitOR($_TT_ghTTDefaultStyle, $TTS_BALLOON))
; If using a Windows theme setting, this will disable that for the tooltip displayed, so you can change
; the margin settings. If you don't do this, the margins won't appear any different
_WinAPI_SetWindowTheme($hToolTip, "", "")
; Add a tool to the tooltip control
_GUIToolTip_AddTool($hToolTip, 0, "This is the ToolTip text", $hButton)
; Manually set the margins of the tooltip instead of using default settings.
_GUIToolTip_SetMargin($hToolTip, 30, 10, 20, 12)
; Retrieve the margin settings of the tooltip
Local $tRECT = _GUIToolTip_GetMarginEx($hToolTip)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, 'Message', _
'Left :' & @TAB & DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Left") & @LF & _
'Top :' & @TAB & DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Top") & @LF & _
'Right :' & @TAB & DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Right") & @LF & _
'Bottom :' & @TAB & DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Bottom"))
While 1
If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop
; Destroy the tooltip control
EndFunc ;==>Example