Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control
#include <GuiMonthCal.au3>
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetMaxSelCount ( $hWnd, $iMaxSel )
$hWnd | Control ID/Handle to the control |
$iMaxSel | Value of type int that will be set to represent the maximum number of days that can be selected |
Success: | True. |
Failure: | False. |
This will fail if applied to a month calendar control that does not use the $MCS_MULTISELECT style.
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiMonthCal.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $g_idMemo
Func Example()
; Create GUI
GUICreate("Month Calendar Get/Set Sel Count (v" & @AutoItVersion & ")", 420, 300)
Local $idMonthCal = GUICtrlCreateMonthCal("", 4, 4, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_BORDER, $MCS_MULTISELECT), 0x00000000)
; Create memo control
$g_idMemo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 4, 168, 412, 128, 0)
GUICtrlSetFont($g_idMemo, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New")
; Get/Set maximum selection count
_GUICtrlMonthCal_SetMaxSelCount($idMonthCal, 7)
MemoWrite("Maximum selction count: " & _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMaxSelCount($idMonthCal))
; Loop until the user exits.
EndFunc ;==>Example
; Write message to memo
Func MemoWrite($sMessage)
GUICtrlSetData($g_idMemo, $sMessage & @CRLF, 1)
EndFunc ;==>MemoWrite