Allocates memory for storing ListBox items
#include <GuiComboBox.au3>
_GUICtrlComboBox_InitStorage ( $hWnd, $iNum, $iBytes )
$hWnd | Control ID/Handle to the control |
$iNum | Number of items to add |
$iBytes | The amount of memory to allocate for item strings, in bytes |
Success: | The total number of items for which memory has been pre-allocated. |
Failure: | $CB_ERRSPACE. |
Helps speed up the initialization of ComboBoxes that have a large number of items (over 100).
You can use estimates for the $iNum and $iBytes parameters.
If you overestimate, the extra memory is allocated.
If you underestimate, the normal allocation is used for items that exceed the requested amount.
_GUICtrlComboBox_AddDir, _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString, _GUICtrlComboBox_InsertString
#include <GuiComboBox.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
Local $idCombo
; Create GUI
GUICreate("ComboBox Init Storage", 400, 296)
$idCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 2, 2, 396, 296)
; Init Storaged
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", "Pre-Allocated Memory For: " & _GUICtrlComboBox_InitStorage($idCombo, 50, 500) & " items")
; Add files
_GUICtrlComboBox_AddDir($idCombo, @WindowsDir & "\*.exe")
; Loop until the user exits.
EndFunc ;==>Example