Search for a string
#include <GuiComboBoxEx.au3>
_GUICtrlComboBoxEx_FindStringExact ( $hWnd, $sText [, $iIndex = -1] )
$hWnd | Handle to the control |
$sText | String to search for |
$iIndex | [optional] 0-based index of the item preceding the first item to be searched |
Success: | a 0-based index of the matching item. |
Failure: | -1. |
Find the first string that matches the string specified in the $sText parameter.
When the search reaches the bottom of the ListBox, it continues from the top of the ListBox back to the item specified by $iIndex.
If $iIndex is –1, the entire ListBox is searched from the beginning.
#include <GuiComboBoxEx.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <GuiImageList.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
Func Example()
Local $hGUI, $hImage, $sDelimiter = ";", $hCombo
Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", $sDelimiter)
; Create GUI
$hGUI = GUICreate("ComboBoxEx Find String Exact", 400, 300)
$hCombo = _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create($hGUI, "This is;mY tExT", 2, 2, 394, 100, $CBS_SIMPLE)
$hImage = _GUIImageList_Create(16, 16, 5, 3)
_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 110)
_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 131)
_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 165)
_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 168)
_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 137)
_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", 146)
_GUIImageList_Add($hImage, _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_CreateSolidBitMap($hCombo, 0xFF0000, 16, 16))
_GUIImageList_Add($hImage, _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_CreateSolidBitMap($hCombo, 0x00FF00, 16, 16))
_GUIImageList_Add($hImage, _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_CreateSolidBitMap($hCombo, 0x0000FF, 16, 16))
_GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetImageList($hCombo, $hImage)
For $x = 0 To 8
_GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($hCombo, StringFormat("%03d : Random string", Random(1, 100, 1)), $x, $x)
; Find exact string
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Information", "Found at: " & _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_FindStringExact($hCombo, "mY tExT"))
EndFunc ;==>Example