User Defined Functions

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Revision as of 08:03, 26 February 2025 by Water (talk | contribs) (Added: FileExplorer TreeView and ListView)
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This page is a listing of libraries of user defined functions (UDF). These libraries have been written to allow easy integration into your own scripts and are a very valuable resource for any programmer.
This list is probably not complete (393 UDFs on 2025-02-26), but constantly supplemented. If you do not find a solution here, ask a new question on the forum.

The listed UDFs might have been written for older versions of AutoIt. So there is no guarantee that every UDF works smoothly with newer versions.
None of the UDFs has been tested by the maintainers of this list so you as a user need to make sure that they deliver the expected results.

When will an UDF be added to this list?
It should meet all/most of the general requirements for UDFs as described here.
In addition the following requirements should be met:

  • Documentation: So users can tell what the UDF is intended to do (mandatory)
  • Examples: So users can get an idea how to use the UDF. The more the better (mandatory)
  • Operating systems: Should support the latest Microsoft OS (mandatory) plus as many predecessors as possible (optional)
  • AutoIt: Should support the latest version of AutoIt (mandatory) plus as many predecessors as possible (optional)
  • Author: The author should still be active on the forum so he can reply to questions (optional)

What to do when one of your UDFs is missing?
Please send a PM to user water. Add a short description of the UDF and a link to your post in the Example Scripts or Projects and Collaboration forum.

Added in the past two years

Date Section Creator Description
2025-02-26 Controls Kanashius FileExplorer Treeview and Listview - Create a Treeview and/or Listview able to browse files.
2025-01-16 Parallel/concurrent processing Gianni MultiTask - Easily run and manage many processes.
2025-01-12 GUI Additions NoNameCode Darkmode - Dark mode for AutoIt's Win32GUIs.
2025-01-12 Parallel/concurrent processing Network_Guy MultiTasking - Enables execution of a function in a separate process as many times needed with or without pausing the main script.
2025-01-11 Script Coding/Analyzing/Debugging t0nZ Gollog - Logs made easy.
2025-01-02 Parallel/concurrent processing Nine PMT - Pretending Multi Threading - as close as possible with simple AutoIt.
2025-01-02 Parallel/concurrent processing argumentum Fork - Run something and not get the main loop stuck waiting, unresponsive, as if frozen.
2024-10-21 Controls Nine Date Range Picker - Date Range Picker Control.
2024-10-06 Maths AspirinJunkie Linear Algebra - BLAS/LAPACK-based Linear Algebra and nonlinear adjustment UDF.
2024-03-27 Script Coding/Analyzing/Debugging AspirinJunkie FuzzyString - Fuzzy string comparison and search in string arrays.
2023-11-14 Files, Databases and web connections TheXman Xml2Json - Transform XML to JSON.
2023-10-30 Hardware Nine Printer Manager - Manage printers with winspool.drv DLL.
2023-10-30 Controls Andreik Toggle Button - Create simple toggle buttons.
2023-10-01 Encryption and hash willichan Enigma - Simple encryption based on the Enigma Machine.
2023-09-06 Files, Databases and web connections willichan DIF - Read/write DIF (Data Interchange Format) files.
2023-07-27 Files, Databases and web connections AspirinJunkie xlsxNative - Read and write xlsx files without excel.
2023-07-27 OpenOffice/LibreOffice donnyh13 LibreOffice Writer - A huge list of functions for LibreOffice Writer.



Microsoft Office

Some features of Microsoft's Office products are proprietary and cannot readily be manipulated. Sometimes workarounds are required.
This page is dedicated to identifying those issues, provide explanations and list solutions or workarounds.


Other Applications

Script Coding/Analyzing/Debugging

Inter Process Communications

Parallel/concurrent processing

Files, Databases and web connections

Data compression

Encryption and hash

GUI Additions



Information gathering

Internet protocol suite



Graphics and image





Social Media and other Website API

