User Defined Functions
This page is still a work in progress.
This page is a listing of libraries of user defined functions. These libraries have been written to allow easy integration into your own script and are a very valuable resource for any programmer.
- Java UDF - Creates an access bridge between your application and a Java application. Allowing you to automate some Java applications.
- SAP - SAP business management automation.
- PDFCreator - Automation of PDFCreator allows you to create and manipulate PDF files.
- WiFi - Low level control over your wireless LAN
- Active Directory - Extensive library to control and manipulate the Windows active directory. Link to the documentation pages.
- Windows Events - Create your own Windows events.
- Internet Explorer - Everything about Internet explorer can be automated with the IE library supplied with a standard AutoIt install.
- FireFox - A little less support for automation than IE, but still very good.
- Opera - The same as above for Opera. Automate the most common tasks in Opera with the Opera UDF.
Microsoft Office Automation
- Microsoft Office Access - Automation of Access.
- Microsoft Office Excel - Large automation library for Excel.
- Microsoft Office Excel - Creating charts using Excel.
- Microsoft Office Outlook - Extended Outlook UDF. Link to the documentation pages.
- Microsoft Office Word UDF - A way to automate Office Word is included with AutoIt.
- Serial port (COM port) - Requires my comMG.dll (included)
Information gathering
- Computer information - A general purpose library to get various details about a Windows machine.
Databases and web connections
- FTP - A FTP library is now included with the AutoIt libraries.
- SQLite - "SQLite is a library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine"
- XML DOM Wrapper - Supports CRUD operations on XML. Including XSL and XPath.
- MySQL - MySQL relational database management system UDF.
Internet protocol suite
- HTTP - For creating GET and POST requests and submitting them conforming standards.
- POP3 - POP3 library for retrieving email messages. Not compatible with Gmail because it uses SSL.
- POP3 SSL - A POP3 library that's compatible with Gmail. It uses an external executable that must be supplied with your script.
- IRC - A lightweight library for communicating with IRC servers.
Data compression
- zip - Create ZIP files and unpack ZIP files.
- 7z, zip, gzip, bzip2, tar - More extensive library than the one above. Uses a external DLL that must be provided with the script.
Encryption and hash
- MD5,SHA1,CRC32,RC4,BASE64,XXTEA - Several encryption and hash functions.
- AES Rijndael - Very fast AES UDF. Support ECB/CBC/CFB/OFB block cipher mode.
- Simple DirectMedia Layer UDF - Adds support for joysticks, CDs, 2D graphics, timers. See SDL website for more information.
- FreeImage library - Various operations on images, such as rotate, resize, flip.
- Printer controller - Print text in any font, size and colour at any position on the page, draw lines, curves, elipses, pies in any colour, and print images.
- PDF creator
- BASS Function Library - Sound and Music via wrappers for Bass, BassEnc, Bass FX, BassSFX, BassAsio and BassCd DLLs
3D graphics
- IrrLicht - A 3D graphics engine suitable for creating games.
- au3Irrlicht2 - Another UDF bringing Irrlicht and au3 together. Historically some kind of a follower of the UDF above, technically with a complete different approach.
GUI Additions
- XSkin - A large library that allows skinning of your GUI and to apply custom skins.
- Modern tray menu - Allows the creation of modern, fancy GUI and tray menus with icons.
- SetOnEvent - Provides an easy way for an event to call functions with parameters.
- GUIFrame - Divide a GUI into adjustable frames.
- Easy Scrollbars - Easily create scrollable sections in your GUI
- GUICtrlOnChangeRegister - Call a function when an edits content is changed.
- ContextHelp.au3 - Management of context help (original)
- GUIExtender - Expand and contract sections of your GUI
- ExtMsgBox - A very customisable replacement for MsgBox
- Toast - Small message GUIs which pop out of the Systray
- Graph control UDF - Easily create and show bar chart and line charts.
- GUICtrlCreateFinder - Allows you to create a window finder control like the one seen in AutoIt Window Info.
- GUIPager - Create and control native pager controls.
- Hotkey input control - Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library (Non-native)
- GUIHotkey - UDF for using native hotkey controls.
- Marquees - Make tickertape info bars
- Colorpicker - Create a button for the user to select a color.
- Syslink - Provides a convenient way to embed hypertext links in a window
- Progressbar with GDIplus - You even can use full textured images
- Primes UDF - Many functions dealing with prime number generation and calculations.
- Big number UDF - Make calculations with extremely large numbers that AutoIt normally is not able to support.
- Number base conversion - From, to and between positive bases less than 63 (decimals supported)
- Decimal To fraction - Converts any decimal number to a fraction. Example: 1.2 to 6/5
- Trigonometry math functions - _ATan2(), _Cosh(), _Frexp(), _Hypot(), _Ldexp(), _Logb(), _Sinh(), _Tanh()
- Polynomials - Functions for using polynomials.
- NumToWord - Convert numerals to a human readable string.
- Root function - Working out real roots of numbers.
- Advanced rounding - Support for different measures of accuracy and 8 ways to resolve tie breaks.
- Hotkey.au3 - Management of Hotkeys UDF, with several advantages over HotkeySet().
- Animated tray icons - Make animated tray icons easily.
- NoFocusLines - Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes which spoil the look of your GUI
- StringSize - Automatically size controls to fit the text you want to put in them