OutlookEX UDF - Appointment Item
Here you'll find detailed description if you work with Appointment items.
Wrapper functions
The following function is a "wrapper" that combines multiple function calls to mimic functions available in the "original" Outlook UDF.
This should make your scripts a bit shorter and live a bit easier.
The wrapper function CreateAppointment allows to create an appointment, setting subject, body, start and end date, duration, location, reminder, recurrence information etc. in one go. This wrapper function mimics the function of _OutlookCreateAppointment of the original UDF.
#include <OutlookEx.au3>
$oOL = _OL_Open()
Global $sStart = StringLeft(_Nowcalc(),16)
Global $sEnd = StringLeft(_DateAdd("h", 3, _NowCalc()), 16)
_OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment($oOutlook, "Test Appointment", $sStart, $sEnd, "My office", False, "Testbody", _
15, $olBusy, $olImportanceHigh, $olPrivate, $olRecursWeekly, $sStart, _DateAdd("w", 3, $sEnd), 1)
This creates an appointment and sets subject, start and end date/time of the first occurence, location, body, importance, sensitivity, recurrence type to weekly and end of recurrence to 3 weeks later.