Template:Snippet Header
Note that the entire URL is not needed. Up to five modifiers. If more are needed then edit this template accordingly. {{ Snippet Header | AuthorURL = 35302-guinness Optional. | AuthorName = guinness | ModifiedURL = Optional. | ModifiedName = Optional. | ModifiedURL2 = Optional. | ModifiedName2 = Optional. | ModifiedURL3 = Optional. | ModifiedName3 = Optional. | ModifiedURL4 = Optional. | ModifiedName4 = Optional. | ModifiedURL5 = Optional. | ModifiedName5 = Optional. | Desc = This is a short description of the snippet. Optional. }}
Note that the entire URL is not needed. Up to five modifiers. If more are needed then edit this template accordingly. {{ Snippet Header | AuthorURL = 35302-guinness Optional. | AuthorName = guinness | ModifiedURL = Optional. | ModifiedName = Optional. | ModifiedURL2 = Optional. | ModifiedName2 = Optional. | ModifiedURL3 = Optional. | ModifiedName3 = Optional. | ModifiedURL4 = Optional. | ModifiedName4 = Optional. | ModifiedURL5 = Optional. | ModifiedName5 = Optional. | Desc = This is a short description of the snippet. Optional. }}
Template loop detected: Template:Snippet Header
Func Example()
; Swap the left button to generate right-button messages and vice versa.
ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(True) & @CRLF)
; Wait for the user to see the changes.
; Change the mouse buttons back to their original meanings.
ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(False) & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>Example
; If $fFlag is True, the left button generates right-button messages and the right button generates left-button messages.
; If $fFlag is False, the buttons are restored to their original meanings.
Func _WinAPI_SwapMouseButton($fFlag)
Local $aReturn = DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'SwapMouseButton', 'int', $fFlag)
If @error Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return $aReturn[0]
EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton
Func Example()
; Swap the left button to generate right-button messages and vice versa.
ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(True) & @CRLF)
; Wait for the user to see the changes.
; Change the mouse buttons back to their original meanings.
ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(False) & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>Example
; If $fFlag is True, the left button generates right-button messages and the right button generates left-button messages.
; If $fFlag is False, the buttons are restored to their original meanings.
Func _WinAPI_SwapMouseButton($fFlag)
Local $aReturn = DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'SwapMouseButton', 'int', $fFlag)
If @error Then
Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
Return $aReturn[0]
EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton