Function list
This function list should be a duplicate of the one found on the function list found in the standard documentation. If the content differs then the other page takes precedence. Some effort has been made to add value to the contents of this page over that one.
Functon name | Description |
Abs | Calculates the absolute value of a number. |
ACos | Calculates the arcCosine of a number. |
AdlibRegister | Registers an Adlib function. |
AdlibUnRegister | Unregisters an Adlib function. |
Asc | Returns the ASCII code of a character. |
AscW | Returns the unicode code of a character. |
ASin | Calculates the arcSine of a number. |
Assign | Assigns a variable by name with the data. |
ATan | Calculates the arcTangent of a number. |
AutoItSetOption | Changes the operation of various AutoIt functions/parameters. |
AutoItWinGetTitle | Retrieves the title of the AutoIt window. |
AutoItWinSetTitle | Changes the title of the AutoIt window. |
Beep | Plays back a beep to the user. |
Binary | Returns a binary representation of an expression. |
BinaryLen | Returns the number of bytes in a binary variant. |
BinaryMid | Extracts the number of bytes from a binary variant. |
BinaryToString | Converts a binary variant into a string. |
BitAND | Performs a bitwise AND operation. |
BitNOT | Performs a bitwise NOT operation. |
BitOR | Performs a bitwise OR operation. |
BitRotate | Performs a bit shifting operation with rotation. |
BitShift | Performs a bit shifting operation. |
BitXOR | Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation. |
BlockInput | Disables/Enables user input. |
Break | Enable/Disable the user's ability to exit a script from the tray icon menu. |
Call | Calls a user-defined function contained in a string parameter. |
CDTray | Opens or closes the CD tray. |
Ceiling | Returns a number rounded up to the next integer. |
Chr | Returns a character corresponding to an ASCII code. |
ChrW | Returns a character representation to a unicode code. |
ClipGet | Retrieves text from clipboard. |
ClipPut | Writes text to clipboard. |
ConsoleRead | Read from STDIN stream of the AutoIt script process. |
ConsoleWrite | Writes to the STDOUT stream. |
ConsoleWriteError | Writes data to the STDERR stream. |
ControlClick | Sends a mouse click command to a given control. |
ControlCommand | Sends a command to a control. |
ControlDisable | Disables a control. |
ControlEnable | Enables a control. |
ControlFocus | Sets input focus to a given control on a window. |
ControlGetFocus | Returns the ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window. |
ControlGetHandle | Retrieves the internal handle of a control. |
ControlGetPos | Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window. |
ControlGetText | Retrieves text from a control. |
ControlHide | Hides a control. |
ControlListView | Sends a command to a ListView32 control. |
ControlMove | Moves a control within a window. |
ControlSend | Sends a string of characters to a control. |
ControlSetText | Sets text of a control. |
ControlShow | Unhides a control. |
ControlTreeView | Sends a command to a TreeView32 control. |
Cos | Calculates the Cosine of a value. |
Dec | Returns a numeric representation of a hexadecimal string. |
DirCopy | Copy a directory. |
DirCreate | Create a directory. |
DirGetSize | Returns the size in bytes of a given directory. |
DirMove | Move/Rename a directory. |
DirRemove | Delete a directory. |
DllCall | Dynamically calls a function in a DLL. |
DllCallAddress | Dynamically calls a function at a specific memory address. |
DllCallbackFree | Frees a previously created handle created with DLLCallbackRegister. |
DllCallbackGetPtr | Returns the pointer to a callback function that can be passed to the Win32 API. |
DllCallbackRegister | Creates a user-defined DLL Callback function. |
DllClose | Closes a previously opened DLL. |
DllOpen | Opens a DLL file for use in DllCall. |
DllStructCreate | Creates a C/C++ style structure to be used in DllCall. |
DllStructGetData | returns the data of an element of the struct. |
DllStructGetPtr | Returns the pointer to the struct or an element in the struct. |
DllStructGetSize | Returns the size of the struct in bytes. |
DllStructSetData | Sets the data of an element in the struct. |
DriveGetDrive | Returns an array containing the enumerated drives. |
DriveGetFileSystem | Returns File System Type of drive. |
DriveGetLabel | Returns Volume Label of a drive. |
DriveGetSerial | Returns Serial Number of a drive. |
DriveGetType | Returns drive type. |
DriveMapAdd | Maps a network drive. |
DriveMapDel | Disconnects a network drive. |
DriveMapGet | Retrieves the details of a mapped drive. |
DriveSetLabel | Sets the Volume Label of a drive. |
DriveSpaceFree | Returns the free disk space of a path in Megabytes. |
DriveSpaceTotal | Returns the total disk space of a path in Megabytes. |
DriveStatus | Returns the status of the drive as a string. |
EnvGet | Retrieves an environment variable. |
EnvSet | Writes an environment variable. |
EnvUpdate | Refreshes the OS environment. |
Eval | Returns the value of the variable defined by a string. |
Execute | Execute an expression. |
Exp | Calculates e to the power of a number. |
FileChangeDir | Changes the current working directory. |
FileClose | Closes a previously opened text file. |
FileCopy | Copies one or more files. |
FileCreateNTFSLink | Creates an NTFS hardlink to a file or directory. |
FileCreateShortcut | Creates a shortcut (.lnk) to a file. |
FileDelete | Delete one or more files. |
FileExists | Checks if a file or directory exists. |
FileFindFirstFile | Returns a search "handle" according to file search string. |
FileFindNextFile | Returns a filename according to a previous call to FileFindFirstFile. |
FileFlush | Flushes the file's buffer to disk. |
FileGetAttrib | Returns a code string representing a file's attributes. |
FileGetEncoding | Determines the text encoding used in a file. |
FileGetLongName | Returns the long path + name of the path + name passed. |
FileGetPos | Retrieves the current file position. |
FileGetShortcut | Retrieves details about a shortcut. |
FileGetShortName | Returns the 8.3 short path+name of the path+name passed. |
FileGetSize | returns the size of a file in bytes. |
FileGetTime | Returns the time and date information for a file. |
FileGetVersion | Returns the "File" version information. |
FileInstall | Include and install a file with the compiled script. |
FileMove | Moves one or more files. |
FileOpen | Opens a text file for reading or writing. |
FileOpenDialog | Initiates a Open File Dialog. |
FileRead | Read in a number of characters from a previously opened text file. |
FileReadLine | Read in a line of text from a previously opened text file. |
FileRecycle | Sends a file or directory to the recycle bin. |
FileRecycleEmpty | Empties the recycle bin. |
FileSaveDialog | Initiates a Save File dialog. |
FileSelectFolder | Initiates a Browse For Folder dialog. |
FileSetAttrib | Sets the attributes of one or more files. |
FileSetPos | Sets the current file position. |
FileSetTime | Sets the timestamp of one or more files. |
FileWrite | Append a line of text to the end of a previously opened text file. |
FileWriteLine | Append a line of text to the end of a previously opened text file. |
Floor | Returns a number rounded down to the nearest integer. |
FtpSetProxy | Sets the internet proxy to use for ftp access. |
FuncName | Returns the name of a function stored in a variable. |
GUICreate | Creates a GUI window. |
GUICtrlCreateAvi | Creates an AVI video control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateButton | Creates a Button control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateCheckbox | Creates a Checkbox control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateCombo | Creats a ComboBox control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateContextMenu | Creates a context menu for a GUI or an underlying control. |
GUICtrlCreateDate | Creates a date control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateDummy | Creates a Dummy control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateEdit | Creates an Edit control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateGraphic | Creates a Graphic control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateGroup | Creates a Group control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateIcon | Creates an icon within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateInput | Creates an Input control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateLabel | Creates a static Label control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateList | Creates a List control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateListView | Creates a ListView control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem | Creates a ListView item. |
GUICtrlCreateMenu | Creates a Menu control for a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem | Creates a MenuItem control. |
GUICtrlCreateMonthCal | Creates a month calendar control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateObj | Creates an ActiveX control for a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreatePic | Creates a Picture control for a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateProgress | Creates a Progress control for a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateRadio | Creates a Radio button control within a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateSlider | Creates a Slider control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTab | Creates a Tab control for the GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTabItem | Creates a TabItem. |
GUICtrlCreateTreeView | Creates a TreeView control for a GUI. |
GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem | Creates a TreeViewItem. |
GUICtrlCreateUpdown | Creates an UpDown control for a GUI. |
GUICtrlDelete | Deletes a control. |
GUICtrlGetHandle | Returns the handle for a control and some special (item) handles. |
GUICtrlGetState | Gets the current state of a control. |
GUICtrlRead | Reads the state or data of a control. |
GUICtrlRecvMsg | Sends a message to a control and retrieves information in lParam. |
GUICtrlRegisterListViewSort | Registers a user defined function for an internal listview sorting callback function. |
GUICtrlSendMsg | Sends a message to a control. |
GUICtrlSendToDummy | Sends a message to a Dummy control. |
GUICtrlSetBkColor | Sets the background color of a control. |
GUICtrlSetColor | Sets the text color of a control. |
GUICtrlSetCursor | Sets the mouse cursor icon for a particular control. |
GUICtrlSetData | Modifies the data for a control. |
GUICtrlSetDefBkColor | Sets the default background color of all controls within a GUI. |
GUICtrlSetDefColor | Sets the default text color of all controls within a GUI. |
GUICtrlSetFont | Sets the font for a control. |
GUICtrlSetGraphic | Modifies the data for a control. |
GUICtrlSetImage | Sets a control's bitmap/icon image. |
GUICtrlSetLimit | Limits the number of characters/pixels for a control. |
GUICtrlSetOnEvent | Defines a user-defined function to be called when a control is clicked. |
GUICtrlSetPos | Changes the position of a control within the GUI window. |
GUICtrlSetResizing | Defines the resizing method for a control. |
GUICtrlSetState | Changes the state of a control. |
GUICtrlSetStyle | Changes the style of a control. |
GUICtrlSetTip | Sets the tip text associated with a control. |
GUIDelete | Deletes a GUI and all underlying controls. |
GUIGetCursorInfo | Gets the mouse cursor position relative to the GUI window. |
GUIGetMsg | Polls a GUI for an event. |
GUIGetStyle | retrieves the styles of a GUI window. |
GUIRegisterMsg | Register a user defined function for a known Windows Message ID (WM_MSG). |
GUISetAccelerators | Sets the accelerator table to be used in a GUI. |
GUISetBkColor | Sets the background color of a GUI window. |
GUISetCoord | Sets the absolute coordinates for the next control. |
GUISetCursor | Sest the mouse cursor icon for a GUI window. |
GUISetFont | Sets the default font for a GUI window. |
GUISetHelp | Sets an executable file that will run when F1 is pressed. |
GUISetIcon | Sets the icon used in a GUI window. |
GUISetOnEvent | Defines a user function to be called when a system button is pressed. |
GUISetState | Changes the state of a GUI window. |
GUISetStyle | Changes the styles of a GUI window. |
GUIStartGroup | Defines that any subsequent controls that are created will be "grouped" together. |
GUISwitch | Switches the current window used for GUI functions. |
Hex | Returns a string representation of an integer or of a binary type converted to hexadecimal. |
HotKeySet | Sets a hotkey that calls a user function. |
HttpSetProxy | Sets the internet proxy to use for http access. |
HttpSetUserAgent | Sets the HTTP user-agent string which is sent with all Inet requests. |
HWnd | Converts an expression into an HWND handle. |
InetClose | Closes a handle returned from InetGet(). |
InetGet | Downloads a file from the internet using the http or ftp protocol. |
InetGetInfo | Returns detailed data for a handle returned from InetGet(). |
InetGetSize | Returns the size (in bytes) of a file located on the internet. |
InetRead | Downloads a file from the internet using the HTTP, HTTPS or FTP protocol. |
IniDelete | Deletes a value from a standard format .ini file. |
IniRead | Reads a value from a standard format .ini file. |
IniReadSection | Reads all key/value pairs from a section in a standard format .ini file. |
IniReadSectionNames | Reads all sections in a standard format .ini file. |
IniRenameSection | Renames a section in a standard format .ini file. |
IniWrite | Writes a value to a standard format .ini file. |
IniWriteSection | Writes a section to a standard format .ini file. |
InputBox | Displays an input box requesting a user input string. |
Int | Returns the integer (whole) representation of an expression. |
IsAdmin | Checks if the current user has full administrator privileges. |
IsArray | Checks if a variable is an array type. |
IsBinary | Checks if a variable or expression is a binary type. |
IsBool | Checks if a variable's base type is boolean. |
IsDeclared | Checks if a variable has been declared. |
IsDllStruct | Checks if a variable is a DllStruct type. |
IsFloat | Checks if a variable or expression is a float-type. |
IsHWnd | Checks if a variable's base type is a pointer and window handle. |
IsInt | Checks if a variable or expression is an integer type. |
IsKeyword | Checks if a variable is a keyword. (e.g. Default) |
IsNumber | Checks if variable's base type is numeric. |
IsObj | Checks if a variable or expression is an object type. |
IsPtr | Checks if a variable's base type is a pointer. |
IsString | Checks if a variable is a string type. |
Log | Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. |
MemGetStats | Retrieves memory related information. |
Mod | Performs the modulus operation. |
MouseClick | Perform a mouse click operation. |
MouseClickDrag | Perform a a mouse click and drag operation. |
MouseDown | Perform a mouse down event at the current mouse position. |
MouseGetCursor | Returns the cursor ID Number for the current Mouse Cursor. |
MouseGetPos | Retrieves the current position of the mouse cursor. |
MouseMove | Moves the mouse pointer. |
MouseUp | Performs a mouse up event at the current mouse position. |
MouseWheel | Moves the mouse wheel up or down. (NT/2k/XP only) |
MsgBox | Displays a simple message box with optional timeout. |
Number | Returns the numeric representation of an expression. |
ObjCreate | Creates a reference to a COM object from the given classname. |
ObjCreateInterface | Creates a reference to an object from the given classname/object pointer, interface identifier and description string. (experimental!) |
ObjEvent | Handles incoming events from the given Object. |
ObjGet | Retrieves a reference to a COM object from an existing process or filename. |
ObjName | Returns the name or interface description of an Object. |
OnAutoItExitRegister | Registers a function to be called when AutoIt exits. |
OnAutoItExitUnRegister | Unregisters a function to be called when AutoIt exits. |
Ping | Pings a host and returns the roundtrip-time. |
PixelChecksum | Generates a checksum for a region of pixels. |
PixelGetColor | Returns a pixel color according to x,y pixel coordinates. |
PixelSearch | Searches a rectangle of pixels for the pixel color provided. |
ProcessClose | Terminates a named process. |
ProcessExists | Checks to see if a specified process exists. |
ProcessGetStats | Returns an array of information about a running process. |
ProcessList | Returns an array of currently running processes. |
ProcessSetPriority | Changes the priority of a process. |
ProcessWait | Pauses script execution until a given process exists. |
ProcessWaitClose | Pauses a script execution until a given process does not exist. |
ProgressOff | Turns Progress window off. |
ProgressOn | Creates a customizable progress bar window. |
ProgressSet | Sets the position and/or text of a previously created Progress bar window. |
Ptr | Converts an expression into a pointer variant. |
Random | Generates a pseudo-random float-type number. |
RegDelete | Deletes a key or value from the registry. |
RegEnumKey | Reads the name of a subkey according to it's instance. |
RegEnumVal | Reads the name of a value according to it's instance. |
RegRead | reads a value from the registry. |
RegWrite | Creates a key or value in the registry. |
Round | Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places. |
Run | Runs an external program. |
RunAs | Runs an external program under the context of a different user. |
RunAsWait | Runs an external program under the context of a different user and pauses script execution until the program finishes. |
RunWait | Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes. |
Send | Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window. |
SendKeepActive | Attempts to keep a specified window active during Send(). |
SetError | Manually set the value of the @error macro. |
SetExtended | Manually set the value of the @extended macro. |
ShellExecute | Runs an external program using the ShellExecute API. |
ShellExecuteWait | Runs an external program using the ShellExecute API and pauses script execution until it finishes. |
Shutdown | Shuts down the system. |
Sin | Calculates the Sine of a number. |
Sleep | Pause script execution. |
SoundPlay | Play a sound file. |
SoundSetWaveVolume | Sets the system wave volume by percent. |
SplashImageOn | Creates a customizable image popup window. |
SplashOff | Turns SplashText or SplashImage off. |
SplashTextOn | Creates a customizable text popup window. |
Sqrt | Calculates the square-root of a number. |
SRandom | Set Seed for random number generation. |
StatusbarGetText | Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control. |
StderrRead | Reads from the STDERR stream of a previously run child process. |
StdinWrite | Writes a number of characters to the STDIN stream of a previously run child process. |
StdioClose | Closes all resources associated with a process previously run with STDIO redirection. |
StdoutRead | Reads from the STDOUT stream of a previously run child process. |
String | Returns the string representation of an expression. |
StringAddCR | Takes a string and prefixes all linefeed characters (Chr(10)) with a carriage return character (Chr(13)). |
StringCompare | Compares two strings with options. |
StringFormat | Returns a formatted string. (Similar to C's sprintf() function.) |
StringFromASCIIArray | Converts an array of ASCII codes to a string. |
StringInStr | Checks if a string contains a given substring. |
StringIsAlNum | Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. |
StringIsAlpha | Checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters. |
StringIsASCII | Checks if a string contains only ASCII characters in the range 0x00 - 0x7f (0-127). |
StringIsDigit | Checks if a string contains only digit (0-9) characters. |
StringIsFloat | Checks if a string is a floating point number. |
StringIsInt | Checks if a string is an integer. |
StringIsLower | Checks if a string contains only lowercase characters. |
StringIsSpace | Checks if a string contains only whitespace characters. |
StringIsUpper | Checks if a string contains only uppercase characters. |
StringIsXDigit | Checks if a string contains only hexadecimal digit (0-F) characters. |
StringLeft | Returns a number of characters from the left-hand side of a string. |
StringLen | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
StringLower | Converts a string to lowercase. |
StringMid | Extracts a number of characters from a string. |
StringReverse | Reverses the contents of the specified string. |
StringRegExp | Check if a string fits a given regular expression pattern. |
StringRegExpReplace | Replace text in a string based on a regular expression. |
StringReplace | Replaces substrings in a string. |
StringRight | Returns a number of characters from the right-hand side of a string. |
StringSplit | Splits up a string into substrings depending on the given delimiters. |
StringStripCR | Removes all carriage return values (Chr(13)) from a string. |
StringStripWS | Strips whitespace from a string. |
StringToASCIIArray | Converts a string to an array containing the ASCII code of each character. |
StringToBinary | Converts a string into binary data. |
StringTrimLeft | Trims a number of characters from the left hand side of a string. |
StringTrimRight | Trims a number of characters from the right hand side of a string. |
StringUpper | Converts a string to uppercase. |
Tan | Calculates the Tangent of a number. |
TCPAccept | Permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket. |
TCPCloseSocket | Closes a TCP socket. |
TCPConnect | Create a socket connected to an existing server. |
TCPListen | Creates a socket listening for an incoming connection. |
TCPNameToIP | Converts an Internet name to IP address. |
TCPRecv | Receives data from a connected socket. |
TCPSend | Sends data on a connected socket. |
TCPShutdown,UDPShutdown | Stops TCP/UDP services. |
TCPStartup,UDPStartup | Starts TCP/UDP services. |
TimerDiff | Returns the difference in time from a previous call to TimerInit(). |
TimerInit | Returns a timestamp (in milliseconds). |
ToolTip | Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen. |
TrayCreateItem | Creates a MenuItem control for the tray. |
TrayCreateMenu | Creates a menu control for the tray menu. |
TrayGetMsg | Polls the tray to see if any events have occurred. |
TrayItemDelete | Deletes a menu/item control from the tray menu. |
TrayItemGetHandle | Returns the handle for a tray menu(item). |
TrayItemGetState | Gets the current state of a control. |
TrayItemGetText | Gets the itemtext of a tray menu/item control. |
TrayItemSetOnEvent | Defines a user-defined function to be called when a tray item is clicked. |
TrayItemSetState | Sets the state of a tray menu/item control. |
TrayItemSetText | Sets the itemtext of a tray menu/item control. |
TraySetClick | Sets the clickmode of the tray icon - what mouseclicks will display the tray menu. |
TraySetIcon | Loads/Sets a specified tray icon. |
TraySetOnEvent | Defines a user function to be called when a special tray action happens. |
TraySetPauseIcon | Loads/Sets a specified tray pause icon. |
TraySetState | Sets the state of the tray icon. |
TraySetToolTip | (Re)Sets the tooltip text for the tray icon. |
TrayTip | Displays a balloon tip from the AutoIt Icon.(2k/XP only) |
UBound | Returns the size of array dimensions. |
UDPBind | Create a socket bound to an incoming connection. |
UDPCloseSocket | Close a UDP socket. |
UDPOpen | Open a socket connected to an existing server. |
UDPRecv | Receives data from a opened socket. |
UDPSend | Sends data on an opened socket. |
VarGetType | Returns the internal type representation of a variant. |
WinActivate | Activates (gives focus to) a window. |
WinActive | Checks to see if a specified window exists and is currently active. |
WinClose | Closes a window. |
WinExists | Checks to see if a specified window exists. |
WinFlash | Flashes a window in the taskbar. |
WinGetCaretPos | Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window. |
WinGetClassList | Retrieves the classes from a window. |
WinGetClientSize | Retrieves the size of a given window's client area. |
WinGetHandle | Retrieves the internal handle of a window. |
WinGetPos | Retrieves the position and size of a given window. |
WinGetProcess | retrieves the ProcessID(PID) associated with a window. |
WinGetState | Retrieves the state of a given window. |
WinGetText | Retrieves the text from a window. |
WinGetTitle | Retrives the full title from a window. |
WinKill | Forces a window to close. |
WinList | Retrieves a list of windows. |
WinMenuSelectItem | Invokes a menu item of a window. |
WinMinimizeAll | Minimizes all windows. |
WinMinimizeAllUndo | Undoes a previous WinMinimizeAll function call. |
WinMove | Moves and/or resizes a window. |
WinSetOnTop | Changes a window's "Always On Top" attribute. |
WinSetState | Shows, hides, minimizes, maximizes, or restores a window. |
WinSetTitle | Changes the title of a window. |
WinSetTrans | Sets the transparency of a window. (2k/XP or later) |
WinWait | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists. |
WinWaitActive | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active. |
WinWaitClose | Pauses the execution of a script until the requested window does not exist. |
WinWaitNotActive | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active. |
AutoIt v3.3.8.1