Template:Snippet Header

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Revision as of 19:10, 13 November 2012 by Jaberwocky6669 (talk | contribs)
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Note that the entire URL is not needed.

Up to five modifiers.  If more are needed then edit this template accordingly.

Snippet Header
| AuthorURL = 35302-guinness Optional.
| AuthorName = guinness
| ModifiedURL =  Optional.
| ModifiedName = Optional.
| ModifiedURL2 = Optional.
| ModifiedName2 = Optional.
| ModifiedURL3 = Optional.
| ModifiedName3 = Optional.
| ModifiedURL4 = Optional.
| ModifiedName4 = Optional.
| ModifiedURL5 = Optional.
| ModifiedName5 = Optional.
| Desc = This is a short description of the snippet. Optional.


Author: guinness


This is a snippet from the wiki used to demonstrate the template.

Note that the entire URL is not needed.

Up to five modifiers.  If more are needed then edit this template accordingly.

Snippet Header
| AuthorURL = 35302-guinness Optional.
| AuthorName = guinness
| ModifiedURL =  Optional.
| ModifiedName = Optional.
| ModifiedURL2 = Optional.
| ModifiedName2 = Optional.
| ModifiedURL3 = Optional.
| ModifiedName3 = Optional.
| ModifiedURL4 = Optional.
| ModifiedName4 = Optional.
| ModifiedURL5 = Optional.
| ModifiedName5 = Optional.
| Desc = This is a short description of the snippet. Optional.


Template loop detected: Template:Snippet Header


Func Example()
    ; Swap the left button to generate right-button messages and vice versa.
    ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(True) & @CRLF)

    ; Wait for the user to see the changes.

    ; Change the mouse buttons back to their original meanings.
    ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(False) & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Example

; If $fFlag is True, the left button generates right-button messages and the right button generates left-button messages.
; If $fFlag is False, the buttons are restored to their original meanings.
Func _WinAPI_SwapMouseButton($fFlag)
    Local $aReturn = DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'SwapMouseButton', 'int', $fFlag)
    If @error Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Return $aReturn[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton

Func Example()
    ; Swap the left button to generate right-button messages and vice versa.
    ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(True) & @CRLF)

    ; Wait for the user to see the changes.

    ; Change the mouse buttons back to their original meanings.
    ConsoleWrite(_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton(False) & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Example

; If $fFlag is True, the left button generates right-button messages and the right button generates left-button messages.
; If $fFlag is False, the buttons are restored to their original meanings.
Func _WinAPI_SwapMouseButton($fFlag)
    Local $aReturn = DllCall('user32.dll', 'int', 'SwapMouseButton', 'int', $fFlag)
    If @error Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
    Return $aReturn[0]
EndFunc   ;==>_WinAPI_SwapMouseButton