Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of WikiStart

01/26/09 07:48:31 (16 years ago)
Valik (IP:

Mentioned _DebugBugReportEnv() function (thanks JP)


  • WikiStart

    v6 v7  
    2121 * A short script that reproduces the issue.  The developers don't care what you're trying to do that lead you to discover the bug.  They only care about the bug itself so show only that.
    2222 * If the reproduction script requires an external program in order to replicate the bug then try to find alternatives.  Try to demonstrate the bug using an AutoIt GUI instead of an external application.  Try to favor an application that comes standard with Windows.  As a last resort try to find an easy to obtain and install application that demonstrates the issue.  The more complex it is to reproduce a bug the less likely the developers are to spend their time working on it.
    23  * Provide information about your OS.  There are differences in behavior between the various versions of Windows so always mention what version and service pack level of your OS.  It really is important.
     23 * Show us the output from the _DebugBugReportEnv() function.  It's documented in the help file.  The following script will put the string onto the clipboard which you can then paste into your ticket.
     25#include <Debug.au3>
    2529== How to ask for new features ==