


23:00 Ticket #4007 (Inconsistent pointer arithmetic) created by Pickwy
Pointers have several inconsistencies during mathematical operations, …


08:26 Ticket #4006 (incomplete read missing key in IniReadSection) closed by Jos
No Bug: The IniRead() function isn't broken and uses the standard GetPrivateProfileString() from the kerner32.dll which has a limitation for: […] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-getprivateprofilesection#parameters
01:32 Ticket #4006 (incomplete read missing key in IniReadSection) created by itdev721@…
incomplete read missing key in IniReadSection when the value length is …


07:21 Ticket #4005 (Empty ReDim make Autoit crash) created by Pickwy
Observed : Using the empty brackets syntax with ReDim hard crash the …


08:02 Ticket #3987 (Aut2Exe creates a temp folder without deleting it) closed by Jos
No Bug: Closed again due to lack of response, so assume it is working now.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.