


10:20 Ticket #3925 (With..EndWith should error out when associated with a DllStruct) created by jchd18
With $X is specified to work only if $X is an object. Instead it …


07:00 Ticket #3924 (Run-time error calling MyByRefFunc($map["foo"].bar) ==> Expected a ...) reopened by Jos
Replying to nurupo: > I'm a bit confused with your reply. You have linked to the Au3Check.exe, but this is a run-time issue, the application runs and then crashes after encountering this issue, it's not the Au3Check.exe linter issue. The one in 3902 is the linter issue, but not this one. Ah yes, you are right ... sorry about that and will correct my answer.


07:54 Ticket #3924 (Run-time error calling MyByRefFunc($map["foo"].bar) ==> Expected a ...) closed by Jos
Fixed: EDIT: this is indeed an AutoIt3 internal issue..
00:50 Ticket #3924 (Run-time error calling MyByRefFunc($map["foo"].bar) ==> Expected a ...) created by nurupo
The following causes a run-time error: […] You have to use [] …


08:34 Ticket #3921 (Help file - missing examples) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12885] in version:
08:16 Ticket #3923 (Typo in help file) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12884] in version:


22:29 Ticket #3923 (Typo in help file) created by pferrucci@…
In page "Send Key list" look for string "If you with", => should be "wish".


07:42 Ticket #3922 (Problems with ".+" and ".+?" in regular expressions) created by aacn
My English is not good, please forgive me, I have to use google …


17:21 Ticket #3921 (Help file - missing examples) created by Tweaky
The following 3 examples are missing in the help file since version …


08:33 Ticket #3920 (SciTE Jump: undeclared variable error in SciTE Jump.au3) closed by Jos
Fixed: See https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/131833-scite-jump-navigate-between-functions-and-regions-in-an-autoit-script/page/39/?tab=comments#comment-1498425 .. or use the current beta version avaiable. Will be fixed in the next release of SciTE4AutoIt3.
07:23 Ticket #3920 (SciTE Jump: undeclared variable error in SciTE Jump.au3) created by TimRude
With AutoIt installed, attempting to use the SciTE Jump tool …


11:46 Ticket #3917 (Au3Info and Au3Info_x64 generate "...has stopped working" under Windows 7) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12879] in version:


12:58 Ticket #3917 (Au3Info and Au3Info_x64 generate "...has stopped working" under Windows 7) created by anonymous
Au3Info shipped with breaks on simple actions (like resizing …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.