


18:55 Ticket #3900 (REGEXPTITLE fails to match) closed by Jpm


21:11 Ticket #3900 (REGEXPTITLE fails to match) created by meanarbez@…
; Open the standard file properties for AutoIt3.exe upfront, ; it's …


19:59 Ticket #3899 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem issue with remote desktop) closed by mLipok
No Bug: This is normal MS Windows API behavior. Take a look on: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_doesn.27t_my_script_work_on_a_locked_workstation.3F https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/204228-any-mouse-action-in-microsoft-remote-desktop-not-working/?do=findComment&comment=1467163 https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/201285-maintain-active-desktop-after-rdp-disconnect/ btw. Next time ask on the forum before you submit ticket.
11:29 Ticket #3899 (_GUICtrlListView_ClickItem issue with remote desktop) created by raffaelet@…
I have a scheduled task that uses _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem Working …


20:04 Ticket #3898 (Wrong references in au3.api) created by Jos
This is a list that contains a reference to the wrong include files, I …


14:31 Ticket #3897 (incorrect arithmatic with Hex notation) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: fixed with #3876 for
13:27 Ticket #3897 (incorrect arithmatic with Hex notation) created by anonymous
When you try to subtract using hex notation, the values end up being …


09:18 Ticket #3896 (Single non-ANSI character failure in BinaryToString) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Hi, your script is wrong as the $single_r_hacek is not a "Binary" when use in BinaryToString() at least it must be StringToBinary(ChrW(0x99C5)) after that the write to file have to be changed too if with your script try triple you get wrong result too.


13:23 Ticket #3896 (Single non-ANSI character failure in BinaryToString) created by anonymous
Single character failure in BinaryToString. BinaryToString returns …


11:03 Ticket #3895 (Allow string() to return first class object name) created by Jpm
as suggest by jchd [ …


11:00 Ticket #3864 (StringRegExp - AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:-1073741571) closed by Jpm
Fixed: final fix done by Jon


22:28 Ticket #3894 (_WinAPI_GetProcessName returns incorrect result when process ID is invalid) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12768] in version:
20:40 Ticket #3894 (_WinAPI_GetProcessName returns incorrect result when process ID is invalid) created by danpollak2@…
_WinAPI_GetProcessName should return an error if the PID isn't valid. …
16:18 Ticket #3893 (Blog doesn't mention latest version) created by lwc
https://www.autoitscript.com/site/blog/ still features the last …


21:39 Ticket #2279 (For loop not working as expected) reopened by Jpm


23:58 Ticket #3831 (GUICtrlSetPos and $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) closed by Jpm
No Bug: In fact there is noBug with all release I tested with
23:57 Ticket #3831 (GUICtrlSetPos and $GUI_DOCKHCENTER) reopened by Jpm
23:49 Ticket #3875 (GUICtrlSetResizing() performance) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12745] in version:
19:52 Ticket #3875 (GUICtrlSetResizing() performance) reopened by Jpm
THe solution is not complete so I will work again on it
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.