


22:36 Ticket #3857 (DotNet 5/6 Support) created by Jrdiver
Would it be possible to get a release of the AutoItX dll's for dotnet …


08:06 Ticket #3856 (FileOpenDialog passing unseen information) closed by Jos
No Bug: Closed until there is a real bug determined in that forum thread.
03:11 Ticket #3856 (FileOpenDialog passing unseen information) created by anonymous
The summary is the best I could describe it and is an assumption. See …[…]


09:21 Ticket #3855 (_ArrayToString for 1D array, for used in the Combo Box) closed by Jos
No Bug: This bug report isn't very clear to me, so please first post your issue in our forums so it can be discussed there and determined whether this is really a bug or not. *Closing as no bug for now, but will reopen when it is a real bug * Jos
08:02 Ticket #3855 (_ArrayToString for 1D array, for used in the Combo Box) created by anonymous
Original from Include Array.au3 Func _ArrayToString(Const ByRef …


18:24 Ticket #3854 (Setting Control Color has unintended consequences in GUI) closed by Melba23
Wont Fix: This is a known bug with colouring buttons - see https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/376 As you can see it cannot/will not be fixed, so I suggest not colouring your buttons. M23
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.