


16:27 Ticket #3732 (_Excel_BookList) created by seadoggie01
_Excel_BookList  returns an array of [Object, Name, Path] …
10:59 Ticket #3731 (Binary() performs hidden and wrong conversion on strings) created by jchd18
One would expect Binary(<string>) to return the binary image of …


17:43 Ticket #3730 (Send("{BROWSER_HOME}") does not work anymore with newest Win10 and ...) created by Exit
[…] does not work in Windows 10 Version 1903 and Autoit Version …


11:31 Ticket #3729 (GUICtrlSetDefColor and GUICtrlSetDefBkColor cause inputs to fire other ...) closed by Melba23
Wont Fix: I think the explanation given in that Trac response is quite clear - fixing the bug would require a complete rewrite of the GUI generation code of AutoIt and that is something which the Devs are not prepared to undertake. So as suggested in the multitude of threads which have reported the same thing, do not colour buttons! We usually suggest using a slightly larger underlying disabled label and changing its colour as and when required. M23


18:46 Ticket #3729 (GUICtrlSetDefColor and GUICtrlSetDefBkColor cause inputs to fire other ...) created by mainmaster@…
Hi, was trying to apply some styles to one of my programs and found …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.