- 18:43 Ticket #3728 (_ArrayTranspose does not create 1D array from 2D array) created by
- In the example of _ArrayTranspose, it states that a 2D array with …
- 09:20 Ticket #3703 (2 ^ 49 and further return wrong results) closed by
- Wont Fix: Hi, the result must Be 562949953421312 In fact the problem comes from the fact that 2 49 in a floating point which reach the max precision 15/16 digits so the conversion to integer is "rounded". I Don't fully Understand why Int( 2 48 * 2, 2) is OK but the rounding as Something to do in the internal calculation. You cannot expect that integer exact conversion in the range
- 09:56 Ticket #2962 (GUICtrlSetImage resizes Pic control with $SS_SUNKEN style) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [12223] in version:
- 22:15 Ticket #3727 ($VERSION not increased in compiled script with ...) created by
- […] With this two lines $VERSION variable automatically updated …
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