


17:12 Ticket #3726 (_WinAPI_PathGetArgs / _WinAPI_PathRemoveArgs -- using like the help ...) created by BugFix
The help example for the _WinAPI_PathGetArgs and …


15:06 Ticket #3725 (Regexp POSIX classes description misses some specifications) created by jchd18
In UCP mode the following POSIX classes expand their range: [:space:] …


20:33 Ticket #3724 (_DateTimeSplit should ignore trailing Z (to accept parsing RFC3339 ...) created by matwachich@…
When passing a RFC3339 formated date-time string to _DateTimeSplit, …


16:33 Ticket #3723 (Odd problem with _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText) created by qwert
After months of observing an odd problem when clearing the text in a …
14:42 Ticket #3704 (_FileWriteToLine docs update for hidden files) reopened by water
13:50 Ticket #3691 (Wrong link in the CLSID List page) closed by water
Wont Fix: The link is just a reference to where the information you find on the page has been taken from. So even when the link no longer works, no information is lost. As the Internet changes permanently (means: even when whe add a correct link to this infomation it won't be stable forever) it is just a minor flaw: Won't be fixed for the time being.
12:40 Ticket #3705 (Fixed: Assigning objects by reference to COM properties) closed by water
No Bug
12:33 Ticket #3704 (_FileWriteToLine docs update for hidden files) closed by water
No Bug: Tested with AutoIt on Windows 7. The "Hidden" attribute does not prevent writing to a file. Hence: No Bug!
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.