


14:17 Ticket #3722 (StdoutRead example is incorrectly parsing input and outputs incomplete ...) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12218] in version:
14:04 Ticket #3325 (_Word_DocSaveAs not working with the default $sFileName parameter) closed by water
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12216] in version:


19:39 Ticket #3722 (StdoutRead example is incorrectly parsing input and outputs incomplete ...) created by anonymous
The current example of StdoutRead is parsing the input of the …


19:22 Ticket #3721 (Extra option for collapsing a region or function) closed by Jos
Rejected: Hi Wim, SciTE itself doesn't use directives. These are only available for Autoit3, AutoIt3Wrapper, Tidy and Au3Stripper. I could imagine you create a LUA script for SciTE itself that will run onopen and do the folding for you base on some sort of indicator, but that is not something I will be implementing as I can't see the general use at this moment yet. You might want to start a forum topic to see if other like the idea and work out the process. Cheers, Jos
11:43 Ticket #3721 (Extra option for collapsing a region or function) created by wimhek11@…
Is it possible to have a directive to have a region or function folded …


10:57 Ticket #3719 (Create and manage more tray buttons than just one) created by Ontosy
Do it is possible to create and manage more tray buttons instead of …


11:03 Ticket #3718 (AU3_ControlSend of AutoItX3_x64.dll doesn't work properly) created by k.schaefer@…
Hi, I read a lot on your page about autoit and how to use it. In my …
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