


18:41 Ticket #3712 (HotKeySet not sets Alt+F4 in Windows 10) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: It appears that that key combination is reserved in Windows 10, you can use it with another modifier key such as control or shift, but not by itself. Use something else.
10:06 Ticket #3712 (HotKeySet not sets Alt+F4 in Windows 10) created by NSUSpray
When I run this script and press Alt+F4, the current active window …


16:03 Ticket #3711 (_WinAPI_EnumWindows - Error in Helpfile example) created by KaFu
_WinAPI_EnumWindows _ArrayDisplay() used with wrong number of args, …


13:10 Ticket #3710 (Server 2019 @OSVersion not correct) created by anonymous
Hi, I tried to use @OSVersion var with Server 2019, but it reports …


16:12 Ticket #3708 (Error in documentation for _WinAPI_LoadCursor) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12207] in version:
07:53 Ticket #3708 (Error in documentation for _WinAPI_LoadCursor) reopened by Jpm
It seems that other impact with $IDC_/$OCR_ I will search for them Thanks
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