


07:45 Ticket #3642 (AutoItX/ControlTreeView - wrong example in HelpFile) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12160] in version:


11:51 Ticket #3643 (For...To...Step...Next - variable is NOT (see Remarks in AutoIt Help) ...) closed by Jos
No Bug
08:24 Ticket #3644 (ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 - used magic numbers as constants) closed by Jpm
No Bug: As I want to minimize #include and those function are internal duplication the magic number is not used


09:31 Ticket #3644 (ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 - used magic numbers as constants) created by Zedna
In ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 UDF are used magic numbers as constants …


16:17 Ticket #3643 (For...To...Step...Next - variable is NOT (see Remarks in AutoIt Help) ...) created by Bitnugger
11:44 Ticket #3642 (AutoItX/ControlTreeView - wrong example in HelpFile) created by Zedna
AutoItX/ControlTreeView --> example in HelpFile is missing and …


19:52 Ticket #3641 (Allow ProgressOn function to return window handle of the progress ...) created by TimRude
Presently, the ProgressOn function has no return value. It would be …


08:28 Ticket #3640 (Bug sound Windows 10 x64 with Scite) closed by Melba23
No Bug: You have already posted in the forum asking about this - wait until you get a reply before suggesting there is a bug. M23


22:11 Ticket #3640 (Bug sound Windows 10 x64 with Scite) created by pedro_15boy@…
(Google Translator) When I run an audio through SciTe, windows 10 x64 …


07:46 Ticket #3638 (_GUICtrlListView_GetItemText online documentation error) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Your pb come from the fact that _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices() return a string that need to be convert as an integer Int(_GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices(…) I Don't know why the the second call get a good result


14:25 Ticket #3639 (WinGetClassList's Return Value) created by rcmaehl
WinGetClassList returns a list of items separated using Line Feeds. …


19:00 Ticket #3636 (Prevent Ampersand Mnemonic from SplashTextOn Dialog) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12156] in version:
12:11 Ticket #3638 (_GUICtrlListView_GetItemText online documentation error) created by tatane
There is an error in the description of the parameters of …
10:14 Ticket #3637 (_ArrayDisplay : error when Array is empty and Range parameter exists) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12155] in version:


21:55 Ticket #3637 (_ArrayDisplay : error when Array is empty and Range parameter exists) created by pixelsearch
[…] Script stops and Console shows : "C:\Program …


22:10 Ticket #3636 (Prevent Ampersand Mnemonic from SplashTextOn Dialog) created by TimRude
The SplashTextOn dialog treats an ampersand in the 'text' parameter as …


18:18 Ticket #3635 (Assign function: support for constants) created by genius257
It would be nice if a flag for the Assign function could be added to …
13:43 Ticket #3634 (_FileListToArray error codes) created by tatane
Hi, I'm using _FileListToArray function and I'm getting error code 4 …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.