


12:25 Ticket #3625 (DllStructGetData() does not retrieve whole string containing null ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug: This ticket cannot considered as a bug as AutoIt fit MSDN WCHAR/CHAR behavior If you want to catch Embedded Null Char just use Byte and do the conversion you want


22:56 Ticket #3625 (DllStructGetData() does not retrieve whole string containing null ...) created by tukangusil7
See my question on …


15:19 Ticket #3621 (Mistake/(outdated info?) in help file 'Running Scripts') closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [12125] in version:
11:43 Ticket #3624 (Ternary statement cannot be just an expression.) closed by Melba23
Wont Fix


15:33 Ticket #3624 (Ternary statement cannot be just an expression.) created by genius257
[…] […] I've omitted script path from the output It works …
08:43 Ticket #3623 (Problem with au3Stripper) closed by Jos


10:23 Ticket #3623 (Problem with au3Stripper) reopened by Jos


23:18 Ticket #3623 (Problem with au3Stripper) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: In Fact as WinAPIInternals.au3 is defining a global initialized with a function call The stripper will always include this 2 […] So No bug
06:56 Ticket #3623 (Problem with au3Stripper) created by anonymous
I use the au3Stripper contained in the latest SciTE4AutoIt3. When I …


13:56 Ticket #3622 (AU3_ControlCommandByHandle FindString in ListBox) closed by Melba23
No Bug: If the string is not found then @error is set - use this to differentiate between the 2 cases: […] M23
09:48 Ticket #3622 (AU3_ControlCommandByHandle FindString in ListBox) created by ctrirxu@…
AU3_ControlCommandByHandle FindString in ListBox return 0 if not found …


17:46 Ticket #3265 (_INetSmtpMail Bias calculation returns wrong values) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12114] in version:
15:31 Ticket #3584 (Finder Tools does not seem to handle overlapped controls properly) closed by Jpm
Rejected: sorry you did not provide the asked repro script so I close it
15:30 Ticket #3192 (Regression with reference) closed by Jpm
No Bug
13:05 Ticket #3558 (TrayTip with icon always displays description of file or filename in ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug: As I see in the forum I can close it


07:55 Ticket #3621 (Mistake/(outdated info?) in help file 'Running Scripts') created by nobbitry
The Array $CmdLine[] doesn't return only 63 parameters. The only limit …


00:10 Ticket #3264 (_INetSmtpMail does always fail with error 50) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12098] in version:


23:31 Ticket #3620 (_ArraySort on 2D is not stable but the documentation says it is) created by anonymous
_ArraySort claims to be stable in its in-script documentation if you …
17:12 Ticket #3243 (_WinAPI_MoveFileEx(...$sNewFile = "" for delete not 0) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12097] in version:
06:46 Ticket #3560 (parentheses around function refference fails when follwed by calling ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12096] in version:


19:00 Ticket #3027 (_WinAPI_RegEnumKeyEx) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [12095] in version:


16:34 Ticket #2832 (Call (["CallArgArray", ...]) doesn't modify ByRef arguments) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: The problem as I see it is that when you're sending an array of parameters to a function using Call, you're not sending the actual array, just the parameters. Sending a ByRef parameter in an array doesn't allow you to modify the contents of the array, because the array itself isn't sent ByRef, just the contents of it. So there's no way to access the individual elements of the array in the Called function. As this is by design, it doesn't appear that this will work the way you wish it to, and Jon doesn't seem to see it as a bug. You'll have to live with the limitation.


17:16 Ticket #2822 (object('item')('item') syntax support) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12084] in version:
17:13 Ticket #2822 (object('item')('item') syntax support) reopened by Jpm
I repoen it as Under it is not fixed


09:09 Ticket #3619 (Return value of _WinAPI_LocalFree() is not consistent with what the ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [12082] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.