- 16:37 Ticket #3556 (Run, RunWait and similar calls fail with large amounts of data) created by
- I use Run() with small amounts of STDIO data and it works fine. …
- 14:53 Ticket #3555 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToVar with > 2048 characters) created by
- This bug was discussed and solved here: …
- 03:05 Ticket #3217 (FileInstall() memory leak) closed by
- No Bug: No new feedback from the original poster, so I'm going to assume that the explanation given fits his criteria. I see no bug.
- 03:01 Ticket #3545 (Incorrect conversion of Pos to Rect and vice versa) closed by
- No Bug
- 18:58 Ticket #3552 (SciTE 3.7.3 bug: #Region & #EndRegion not working properly when it ...) closed by
- No Bug: This is a wrong use of AutoIt "syntax", and philosophies. Your region ranges are poorly defined. You can not, write anything between Switch and first Case, this just do not make any sense. I do not see any logic in this way of use Switch...Case...EndSwitch++#Region/#EndRegion Here are examples of proper way showing how to use #Region in this case: […] btw. Personally I prefer this kind of code descriptions: […]
- 17:28 Ticket #3554 (Ini functions should be documentated as containing limitations) created by
- There's an old feature request #15 about fixing the various …[…]
- 18:12 Ticket #3553 (_SQLite_Startup() - cannot use SQLite.dll without "_x64" suffix in 64 ...) created by
- Now _SQLite_Startup() prohibit use dll without "_x64" in dll name in …
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