


21:59 Ticket #3547 (@ErrorStdOut or $ErrorStdOut for /ErrorStdOut) created by argumentum
to make a reserved variable, as is in the case of $CmdLineRaw, or a …
18:55 Ticket #3546 (Missing $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT in help file closed by mLipok
Fixed: This is already added to this HelpFile page, in 29-12-2016 but not yet published. Anyway thanks for paying attention and reporting.
12:59 Ticket #3546 (Missing $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT in help file created by bgenvagyok@…
The problem is really small, but I just realized that the help file …
01:26 Ticket #3528 (Set Affinity to more than 32 Cores) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug


14:50 Ticket #3545 (Incorrect conversion of Pos to Rect and vice versa) created by anonymous
Functions _WinAPI_CreateRectEx and _WinAPI_GetPosFromRect return …


03:41 Ticket #3543 (New example script for "Ternary" operator's help page) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Obviously there is nothing wrong with the current example. M23
03:40 Ticket #3544 (FileExists() bug with number 1) closed by Melba23
No Bug: When I run that code I get a return of 0 from FileExists which means the file does not exist - hardly surprising given that the path is not valid. M23


10:07 Ticket #3544 (FileExists() bug with number 1) created by Trong
File does not exist but still reported to exist! …


16:49 Ticket #3543 (New example script for "Ternary" operator's help page) created by TheDcoder <TheDcoder@…>
Hello, I would like to propose a new example which can be added to the …


18:28 Ticket #3542 (IniReadSectionNames string truncated) closed by Melba23
No Bug: No bug - the ini standard uses [ ] to define a section name, so having additional characters of that type is not permitted. You will have to modify any ini file that uses additional such characters to escape them - I have showed how in this thread: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/187778-inireadsectionnames-problem-solved/ M23
13:51 Ticket #3542 (IniReadSectionNames string truncated) created by rootx


12:25 Ticket #3541 (Typo in _WinAPI_DragQueryFileEx sample code) created by anonymous
Tiny typo in the sample codes used in the help for these funcs …
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