


17:36 Ticket #3239 (_IEFormElementOptionSelect Doesn't Return Error on NoMatch) created by benners
As an example I have used a script from the help file and modded to …


21:31 Ticket #3212 (Fast Shutdown) closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: This is a site for feature requests, not questions. Also, have you tried it yourself to see if it supports it? Your topic in GH&S https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/180861-ewx_hybrid_shutdown/ suggests you have already tried this and found your answer.


09:54 Ticket #3238 (Au3info doesn't compensate for DPI scaling) created by anonymous
I'm using Windows 10 on a laptop with a 1920x1080 screen with standard …


23:44 Ticket #3237 (_EventLog__Read has an error in the __EventLog_DecodeDesc Function, ...) created by BILGUS
EventLog_DecodeDesc uses string replace on Insertion place holders …
18:33 Ticket #3236 (HotKey NumpadEnter) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Please post in the forum for support - Trac is reserved for reporting bugs. M23
15:27 Ticket #3236 (HotKey NumpadEnter) created by djp_home@…
It's not possible to bind NumpadEnter key as a HotKey! I don't want to …
13:34 Ticket #3230 (_WideCharToMultiByte fails with double-byte codepages) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11700] in version:
13:28 Ticket #3235 (Floor isn't accurate) closed by Melba23
No Bug: Dividing in AutoIt automatically results in a Double (floating point) return value. In this case $log10_1000 does not hold the exact value 3 as you can see by running this line at the end of your script: […] which returns […] So as the $log10_1000 variable actually holds a value slightly less than 3, Floor correctly returns 2. No bug. Could I suggest opening a forum thread when you next come across a floating point "error" like this - they are rarely bugs. M23


14:45 Ticket #3235 (Floor isn't accurate) created by TommyDDR
I recently need to count the numbers of digits in a number, so i do my …


17:51 Ticket #3234 (Missing Online Documentation for Opt function.) created by TheDcoder
I get a 404 when I visit the …
10:20 Ticket #3233 (_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount returns 0 also if $hwnd isn't a handle) created by autoBert
_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount returns 0 if no items selected. Helpfile …


16:05 Ticket #3232 (Issue when parsing scientific notation literals) created by jchd18
The runtime parser sometimes fails on reals in scientific notation …


11:03 Ticket #3231 (second in Date.au3) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11699] in version:
09:04 Ticket #3231 (second in Date.au3) created by Ontosy
File: Include\Date.au3 Line: 1043 If $iSecond > 0 Then …


07:50 Ticket #3230 (_WideCharToMultiByte fails with double-byte codepages) created by jchd18
The structure in _WideCharToMultiByte (WinAPI.AU3) needs to use the …


16:08 Ticket #3229 (Aut2Exe - Shows popup dialoags from AutoIt3Wrapper when running silent) created by cory.r.stein@…
When calling the AutoIt3Wrapper silently (/NoStatus), any FileInstall …
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