


17:51 Ticket #3234 (Missing Online Documentation for Opt function.) created by TheDcoder
I get a 404 when I visit the …
10:20 Ticket #3233 (_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount returns 0 also if $hwnd isn't a handle) created by autoBert
_GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount returns 0 if no items selected. Helpfile …


16:05 Ticket #3232 (Issue when parsing scientific notation literals) created by jchd18
The runtime parser sometimes fails on reals in scientific notation …


11:03 Ticket #3231 (second in Date.au3) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11699] in version:
09:04 Ticket #3231 (second in Date.au3) created by Ontosy
File: Include\Date.au3 Line: 1043 If $iSecond > 0 Then …


07:50 Ticket #3230 (_WideCharToMultiByte fails with double-byte codepages) created by jchd18
The structure in _WideCharToMultiByte (WinAPI.AU3) needs to use the …


16:08 Ticket #3229 (Aut2Exe - Shows popup dialoags from AutoIt3Wrapper when running silent) created by cory.r.stein@…
When calling the AutoIt3Wrapper silently (/NoStatus), any FileInstall …


18:49 Ticket #2949 (ControlTreeView) closed by mLipok
No Bug: As the ticket submiter never answer to @Jpm question, there is no way to check it.
09:41 Ticket #3226 (StringRegExp : "complete description of PCRE patterns link" not found) closed by mLipok
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11692] in version:


09:18 Ticket #3228 (Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString) closed by Jpm
Rejected: No the doc is correct as a array is not return is this case so the error checking must be done by checking @error. It is as the return of UDF function handle such error. You may find discrepency in other UDF but not in this one


22:34 Ticket #3228 (Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString) created by anonymous
There are mixed returns for the _ArrayToString function, the proper …
22:21 Ticket #3227 (DirRemove - If directory does not exist: Return value 1 instead of 0) created by Micha
Because the function DirRemove reached the target (even if the …


13:36 Ticket #3226 (StringRegExp : "complete description of PCRE patterns link" not found) created by jguinch
In StringRegExp help page, there is a link for the "complete …
11:37 Ticket #3225 (Interrupt function not work when working with GUICtrlRichEdit) closed by Melba23
No Bug


10:45 Ticket #3225 (Interrupt function not work when working with GUICtrlRichEdit) created by michael.szerencsits@…
Hello AutoIt Team, I created a program where RichEdit Box where …


17:17 Ticket #2865 (Autoit crash with NodeList on For In loop) closed by mLipok
No Bug: This is related to IE object. This was discussed and solved here: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/181376-_iequeryselectorall/?do=findComment&comment=1303644


18:58 Ticket #3206 (New remark for the "root dir" parameter for FileSelectFolder) closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [11689] in version:
18:24 Ticket #3213 (_Arraydisplay() (from Array.au3) may truncate headers since their max ...) closed by Melba23
Rejected: The header lengths are determined by the user so it is up to the user to choose suitable header lengths. The UDF is primarily designed to display the array and it would be ridiculous to reduce the visible content just to display a header in full. Rejected. M23


09:59 Ticket #3224 (_ArrayConcatenate wrong parameters in description) closed by Melba23
Completed: Already fixed in Rev 11633. M23


09:56 Ticket #2871 (#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutPath) closed by Jos
05:19 Ticket #3224 (_ArrayConcatenate wrong parameters in description) created by anonymous
Help File: _ArrayConcatenate ( Const ByRef $aArrayTarget, ByRef …
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