


11:49 Ticket #3211 (PixelCheckSum not honouring hwnd parameter) created by Melba23
No matter what is set in the hwnd parameter, PixelCheckSum


12:44 Ticket #3210 (None of the $iCharSets are declared in GuiRichEdit.au3) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11675] in version:
04:34 Ticket #3210 (None of the $iCharSets are declared in GuiRichEdit.au3) created by InunoTaishou
When using _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetFont one of the optional parameters is …


21:21 Ticket #3209 (Try...Catch) created by Atzebrauner09@…
Hi! I thought maybe a Try...Catch feature would be cool to have for …


16:29 Ticket #3208 (Changes in documentation for _Crypt_Hash* functions.) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11651] in version:


08:08 Ticket #3208 (Changes in documentation for _Crypt_Hash* functions.) created by TheDcoder
Hello! I have 2 feature requests... 1. Add the table of constants used …


08:43 Ticket #3207 (_GUICtrlListView_AddArray Error when add single dimension array) closed by Jpm
No Bug: As stated in the doc the Array as to be 2D So it is not a bug
08:05 Ticket #3207 (_GUICtrlListView_AddArray Error when add single dimension array) created by damien2008 (a) mail.ru
A bug was find, whet trying to add array to ListView. seems, that …


12:18 Ticket #3206 (New remark for the "root dir" parameter for FileSelectFolder) created by TheDcoder
Hello! I have something which I would like to add to the Remarks …


00:43 Ticket #3178 (_WinAPI_SaveHICONToFile function error Variable used without being declared) closed by mLipok
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11646] in version:


21:28 Ticket #2970 (TraySetToolTip text set to Chr(0) hides the tooltip.) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: According to a post by Jos this is intended behavior for using CHR(0) or Null in a tooltip. You can find the post here


22:39 Ticket #3205 ([Suggestion] Allow functions to be also defined with the keyword "Function") closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: Every language has its keywords list, you need to learn the keywords for the languages that you're using and not expect the language to adapt to you. Would you expect the authors of other languages to adapt the syntax and keywords of AutoIt just because someone came to that language after using AutoIt? I don't see PHP or Java adopting AutoIt keywords, do you?
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.