


22:49 Ticket #3197 (.chm debug example fix) created by luger
_DebugSetup example […] _DebugSetup example fix […] …


09:04 Ticket #3196 (Feature request: conditional code in curly braces) closed by Jos


17:40 Ticket #3194 (autoIT script in selenium IDE) closed by Jos
Rejected: We have a forum to ask questions.
07:52 Ticket #3195 (Program crashes after repeated use of _IETableGetCollection) closed by mLipok
Duplicate: this is one of this tickets: https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3167 https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3097


18:24 Ticket #3196 (Feature request: conditional code in curly braces) created by mexykanu
Hello, I've come back to AutoIt after some months in PHP/Javascript …
18:20 Ticket #3195 (Program crashes after repeated use of _IETableGetCollection) created by mexykanu
Hello, After repeated use of _IETableGetCollection($oIE, 0) - 5 …
15:09 Ticket #3194 (autoIT script in selenium IDE) created by anonymous
How to use executable autoIT script in SeleniumIDE?


08:43 Ticket #3193 (.chm Array example wrong) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11632] in version:


17:14 Ticket #3193 (.chm Array example wrong) created by anonymous
Wrong code example: [[Image(...)]] …


21:47 Ticket #3192 (Regression with reference) created by guinness
The following snippet causes an error to be invoked, though does not …


03:10 Ticket #3191 (SciTE Won't save hidden scripts.) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: The author of SciTE doesn't consider this to be a bug. This has been like this in SciTE since at least 2003 and Neil says he won't fix it as it's not considered to be a bug to him. If you feel that this requires a bug ticket, I'd suggest heading over to the scintilla/scite website and posting it there.


22:31 Ticket #3191 (SciTE Won't save hidden scripts.) created by BetaLeaf
SciTE V3.6.0 How to reproduce: 1. Create any new AutoIt Script. 2. In …
21:21 Ticket #3190 (Aut2exe crashes) closed by Jos
Rejected: This is not a bug report but a question. Please come to our forums to ask questions. Jos
20:08 Ticket #3190 (Aut2exe crashes) created by anonymous
I've tried using aut2exe.exe on two different machines to package a …


16:35 Ticket #2296 (SHA2 for Crypt.au3) closed by BrewManNH
Completed: Changed by revision [11621] in version: Uncommented the variables for these algorithms and updated the example scripts to use them.
16:01 Ticket #2296 (SHA2 for Crypt.au3) reopened by BrewManNH
10:24 Ticket #3189 ("Run" and "RunWait" functions call an A3X multiple times with an ...) closed by Jos
No Bug: This is not a bug but expected behavioras @AutoItExe will be AutoIt3.exe when run from SciTE but will be Main.exe when compiled. When doing a Run("Main.exe wait.a3x") then simply main is run which again runs itself. Please come to our forums irst to discuss your issues before posting it as a Bug as it might very well be a pilot error. :) Jos
09:18 Ticket #3189 ("Run" and "RunWait" functions call an A3X multiple times with an ...) created by phongkhanhbinh@…
Hi team, I got a critical issue with these step below 1. Create a …


10:05 Ticket #3188 (Typo Bug) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in the NSIS installer for the next release. Thanks
00:29 Ticket #3188 (Typo Bug) created by gnetmailstop@…
Installer/Extraction issues when installer generates Colors.ini is …


18:22 Ticket #3184 (_Net_Share UDF Doc Issue) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11617] in version:


10:00 Ticket #3187 (Cannot access forums.) closed by Jos
Completed: Send Email.
04:33 Ticket #3187 (Cannot access forums.) created by admin@…
Yo, BetaLeaf here. writing to let you know I cannot access the forums …


16:18 Ticket #3185 (Multiple FileInstall not working) closed by Jos
Duplicate: Duplicate of close report #3183. In case you do not agre come to our forum to have the dialogue about it. Jos
16:11 Ticket #3186 (Special characters change after filewrite to *.csv) closed by Jos
No Bug: From the helpfile: When writing text AutoIt will write using UTF8 (without BOM) by default. To write in another mode the file must be opened with FileOpen() and the relevant flags. So the default has changed and you need to use FileOpen with the appropriate parameters. Jos
13:23 Ticket #3186 (Special characters change after filewrite to *.csv) created by snarf
If you create a csv file, for example TextFile.csv with the …
09:23 Ticket #3185 (Multiple FileInstall not working) created by anonymous
[…] This code works only in the not compiled version. In the …


16:37 Ticket #3184 (_Net_Share UDF Doc Issue) created by AdamUL
The docs for the following functions in the _Net_Share UDF have the …
16:30 Ticket #3183 (Aut2Exe: Exe won't run "Unable to open the script file" (with ...) closed by Jos
No Bug: Have you tried without your Anti Virus switched on? Either way, please come to our forum to discuss your issue interactively, as I am 99.999% sure this is not a bug. Jos
13:01 Ticket #3183 (Aut2Exe: Exe won't run "Unable to open the script file" (with ...) created by bernd.seene@…
My script runs in Scite Editor (pressing F5, everything ok). If you …


23:50 Ticket #3182 (MouseGetPos may return the wrong value when used with mulitple display ...) created by philkryder
This problem occurs when there are screens which return a negative …
22:26 Ticket #3181 (Can't press Alt+Tab when HotKeySet - Alt+Esc) closed by mLipok
Works For Me: Works for me. Win7 64Bit Next time, please ask on the forum in first place.
17:43 Ticket #3181 (Can't press Alt+Tab when HotKeySet - Alt+Esc) created by BitByteBit


15:18 Ticket #3171 (Count of Keys in Returned Array of MapKeys) closed by guinness
Rejected: This is a bad idea, especially when UBound() is enough.
15:15 Ticket #3180 (Zip and Unzip) closed by guinness
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.