


14:16 Ticket #3180 (Zip and Unzip) created by kwgish@…
Right now there is a UDF called _Zip.au3 that performs most of the …


18:35 Ticket #3179 (Number failure with lower case hex) created by czardas
The interpreter is not fussy when it comes to lower case hexadecimal …


15:30 Ticket #3178 (_WinAPI_SaveHICONToFile function error Variable used without being declared) created by anonymous
"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\WinAPIGdi.au3" (3886) : ==> Variable …


10:41 Ticket #3158 (Ping() cached) closed by Jos
Works For Me


22:46 Ticket #3175 (Orthospell (Spell Checker) integration in SciTE4AutoIt) closed by Jos
Rejected: Feel free to do so in your own instance as an add-on, but don't think this is a feature needed to be supported by me. Jos
22:43 Ticket #3173 (Beta Helpfile won't launch if Stable Helpfile is open and vice versa) closed by Jos
No Bug: Correct, it simply uses the already opened helpfile. This is by design of Autoit3Help.exe (Not SciTE4AutoIt3) Jos
06:57 Ticket #3177 (_WinAPI_ShowWindow() does not give True if successful) closed by Jpm
No Bug


14:25 Ticket #3177 (_WinAPI_ShowWindow() does not give True if successful) created by bitnugger
According to the Help file (AutoIt-en-v3.3.10.2) the function …


08:47 Ticket #3176 (possible error in DriveMapAdd documentation) closed by Jpm
No Bug


22:24 Ticket #3176 (possible error in DriveMapAdd documentation) created by rick.narveson@…
DriveMapAdd refers to 3 constants and claims they are defined in …
08:58 Ticket #3166 (Error in Arrays wiki) closed by Melba23


16:54 Ticket #3175 (Orthospell (Spell Checker) integration in SciTE4AutoIt) created by TheDcoder
Hello! It would be nice if [http://tools.diorama.ch/orthospell.html


18:22 Ticket #3174 (New functionality for Maps and Arrays in String() Function) closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: Why should it return that? You'll be causing all sorts of script bugs if you return a string for something that isn't something you can turn into a string. It's designed to turn numbers or mathematical expressions into a string, it's not designed to account for people using it incorrectly. You should try and write your own function to handle something like that.
11:23 Ticket #3174 (New functionality for Maps and Arrays in String() Function) created by TheDcoder
Hello, It would be nice if String($aArray) returns "{Array}" and …
11:18 Ticket #3173 (Beta Helpfile won't launch if Stable Helpfile is open and vice versa) created by TheDcoder
Hello, Here are the steps to reproduce the bug: 1. Launch Stable …


14:47 Ticket #3172 (IniRead() function returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars) closed by BrewManNH
Duplicate: This is a duplicate of 3170 which was closed as No Bug. Still not a bug, please don't repost this.
11:13 Ticket #3172 (IniRead() function returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars) created by anonymous
IniRead() function returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars when …
08:49 Ticket #3171 (Count of Keys in Returned Array of MapKeys) created by TheDcoder
Hello :) It would be nice if the returned array of MapKeys function …


19:30 Ticket #3170 (IniRead() functions returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars) closed by guinness
No Bug: This is not a bug. Search the Forum please.
10:42 Ticket #3170 (IniRead() functions returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars) created by Factfinder
IniRead() function works good for ANSI strings but returns ANSI chars …


21:31 Ticket #3169 (Missing constants for WinGetState) closed by mLipok
Duplicate: ​https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3116
20:27 Ticket #3169 (Missing constants for WinGetState) created by atbowler@…
The documentation for WinGetState lists $WIN_STATE_EXISTS (1) = Window …
18:47 Ticket #3168 (Missing constants from AutoItConstants.au3) closed by mLipok
Duplicate: https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3116
17:56 Ticket #3168 (Missing constants from AutoItConstants.au3) created by timrude@…
In the help topic for the GetWinState function, it lists the various …
08:16 Ticket #3167 (COM Error Handler - not always fires event) created by mLipok
Discussion: …


19:09 Ticket #3166 (Error in Arrays wiki) created by lorenzo.santina.dev@…
At wiki page: …
06:29 Ticket #3165 (Call() function called with an empty array results in APPCRASH) created by Rnde
AutoIt3.exe APPCRASH error upon calling Ubound() via Call(): […]


11:05 Ticket #3164 (problem with the function ToolTip COM Interface) created by blackrodger@…
In the process of the script vbs I use as an information window …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.