


17:59 Ticket #3104 ('_EventLog__Read()' returns only domain name!?) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11477] in version:


10:03 Ticket #3104 ('_EventLog__Read()' returns only domain name!?) created by supersonic
Hi - Calling '_EventLogRead()' on a computer running in a domain …


23:48 Ticket #3103 (_Timer_GetIdleTime not working properly in Windows 10) created by drummer@…
The _Timer_GetIdleTime function returns invalid data when run on …


20:10 Ticket #3096 (Confusing error message when initializing default argument with ...) closed by Jos
No Bug
20:08 Ticket #3102 (AutoIt Crashes when reading an empty cell comment) closed by Jos
No Bug: I assume this is part of the changes around the COM error handling in the latest release, but this far from a complete bug report. My advise is to go to our forums and start a discussion there before declaring this a bug. In case it is we will need a proper reproducer script and files. For now: No BUG Jos
14:28 Ticket #3102 (AutoIt Crashes when reading an empty cell comment) created by anonymous
AutoIT throws the following error when trying to read an the Excel …
08:34 Ticket #3099 (IniRead typo) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11465] in version:


16:17 Ticket #3101 (The SciTE download links are down) closed by guinness
No Bug: Please check the forum and you will see you're not the first one to report this. But thanks anyway.
15:21 Ticket #3100 (IniRead typo) closed by Jpm
07:53 Ticket #3101 (The SciTE download links are down) created by lwc
All of the SciTE download links are down. Please fix them. This is …
05:54 Ticket #3100 (IniRead typo) created by guinness
05:54 Ticket #3099 (IniRead typo) created by guinness


05:22 Ticket #3095 (Resizing GUI Controls before showing GUI) closed by Jpm
No Bug


17:15 Ticket #3098 (ObjEvent - @error - when no ErrorHanlder registered) created by mLipok
Please add feature which set @error to non-zero values when using: …
15:48 Ticket #3097 (AutoIt crash with Objects) created by mLipok
Here is repro script: […] Exit code: […]
11:37 Ticket #3096 (Confusing error message when initializing default argument with ...) created by Bo-Cheng Jhan
On this example: ; Begin of test.au3 test(1) Func test($x, $y = $z) …
08:55 Ticket #3095 (Resizing GUI Controls before showing GUI) created by DutchCoder
A little change detected in Window handling since ReSizing …


20:25 Ticket #3094 (_ArrayDisplay bug with Range "N:") closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11447] in version:
15:17 Ticket #3094 (_ArrayDisplay bug with Range "N:") created by jchd18
When the range parameter is in the form "N:" (rows N to end) the …
06:35 Ticket #3093 (_FileWriteToLine() option to create a new line if it doesn't exist) created by guinness
Add a parameter to create a new line even if it's out of bounds.


16:11 Ticket #3092 (Inconsistent default style of Updown control) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11443] in version:
11:31 Ticket #3092 (Inconsistent default style of Updown control) created by school510587@…
The default style of Updown control is "default (-1) : …


15:40 Ticket #3091 (_WinAPI_RegQueryValue never returns the buffer size on ERROR_MORE_DATA ...) created by jguinch
When the buffer size in not large enough, the function is supposed to …


17:41 Ticket #3090 (Cascading submenus as an option) closed by Jos
Rejected: I am using the Standard SciTE release maintained by Neil Hodgson, with only a few modifications for my version, so will no work on SciTE 's core functionality. You could submit your request on the official SciTE Website. Jos
17:07 Ticket #3090 (Cascading submenus as an option) created by surettcharles@…
In the editor I've noticed that the options and tools menus overflow …
16:55 Ticket #3089 (Add cascading menus for contex menu intigration) created by surettcharles@…
I have noticed that right clicking on a script provides too many menu …


17:15 Ticket #3088 (ie.au3 readystate enums) created by mLipok
Please add this to ie.au3 […]


10:49 Ticket #3078 (bug in _ArrayUnique) closed by Melba23
Completed: Changed by revision [11433] in version:
10:37 Ticket #3087 (UTF problem with _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile in created by mLipok
Disscusion here: …
09:27 Ticket #3086 (spelling mistake) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11430] in version:


21:00 Ticket #3086 (spelling mistake) created by Tweaky
examples: _Excel_ColumnToNumber _Excel_ColumnToLetter colunm >>> column
20:18 Ticket #3085 (wrong examples) created by Tweaky
Hi, the examples of the two functions are swap _Excel_ColumnToLetter / …


16:27 Ticket #3078 (bug in _ArrayUnique) reopened by guinness


16:35 Ticket #3084 (Fix file examples by replacing the FileCreate() function) closed by guinness
Duplicate: Whoops, seems I did something like this in rev 10523.
14:57 Ticket #3083 (Release <> Beta -- Installer) closed by Jos
13:24 Ticket #3084 (Fix file examples by replacing the FileCreate() function) created by guinness


17:03 Ticket #3064 (Ping timeout is longer than set by par2) closed by guinness
No Bug: Look here and search for Minimum timeout in the document. I am closing and no bug and will not document in our help file, as this is undocumented by Microsoft.
17:00 Ticket #3079 (_StringInsert(): add Remark for clarity) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11419] in version:
16:52 Ticket #3078 (bug in _ArrayUnique) closed by guinness
No Bug: Please ensure you have upgraded the UDFs as well
16:47 Ticket #3081 (Re-wording of $WS_EX_MDICHILD in GUICreate()) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11418] in version:
11:53 Ticket #3083 (Release <> Beta -- Installer) created by mLipok
When I try to install new Release version then I must unistall old one …
10:46 Ticket #3080 (ArraySwap: Parameters clarification) closed by guinness
10:45 Ticket #3082 (State that @extended can be only a interger in SetExtended documentation) closed by guinness
Rejected: It's already stated in the parameters section Code: "The required value (integer) to set into the @extended macro."
10:33 Ticket #3082 (State that @extended can be only a interger in SetExtended documentation) created by TheDcoder
State that @extended can only be a integer in the doc page for …
08:17 Ticket #3081 (Re-wording of $WS_EX_MDICHILD in GUICreate()) created by guinness
See >> …


20:54 Ticket #3080 (ArraySwap: Parameters clarification) created by c.haslam
Existing: $iStart [optional] Index in row/column to start swap (2D …
20:44 Ticket #3079 (_StringInsert(): add Remark for clarity) created by c.haslam
As the help is now, it is not clear whether the string is inserted …
19:53 Ticket #3078 (bug in _ArrayUnique) created by anonymous
[…] reproduser: […]
17:25 Ticket #3077 (Update online beta documentation) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed
16:26 Ticket #3077 (Update online beta documentation) created by TheDcoder
Update online beta documentation here: …
16:15 Ticket #3076 (Track Default Au3 Version) closed by guinness
Fixed: Thanks
15:27 Ticket #3076 (Track Default Au3 Version) created by mLipok
Track Default Au3 Version is still set to Please set it to …
15:22 Milestone completed
14:35 Ticket #3075 (_WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject - TimeOut parameters description) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11413] in version:
14:28 Ticket #3074 (Regwrite can't write a big lenght in binary.) closed by Jpm
No Bug: In fact you can but the max input length seems to limit you. Just split the Hex value in smaller piece and use the concatenation. Binary("0x..." & _ "..." & _ ... "...")
13:32 Ticket #3075 (_WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject - TimeOut parameters description) created by mLipok
in _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject there is such a description: […] …
12:04 Ticket #2892 (GUICtrlSetData on dummy control - AutoIt bug or Document Incorrect?) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11411] in version:
12:02 Ticket #2869 (GUICtrlSetTip displays wrong tip message in child GUI when tabs used ...) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11410] in version:
11:59 Ticket #2916 (GUISetCoord() and GUICtrlCreatePic()) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11409] in version:
11:57 Ticket #2945 (Center and right justified text broken on native buttons when colours set) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11408] in version:
11:51 Ticket #2899 (WinGetHandle("LAST") : document unclear and @error bug) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11407] in version:
11:47 Ticket #3009 (MouseGetCursor for HAND) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11406] in version:
11:18 Ticket #3074 (Regwrite can't write a big lenght in binary.) created by sliding4living@…
Regwrite can't write a very big lenght in binary. I want to …
11:09 Ticket #2997 (Bug in PCRE) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11405] in version:


19:44 Ticket #3072 (AutoIt3Help.exe crash at begining of script) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11399] in version:
15:12 Ticket #3071 (4th example in Random() can be removed) closed by guinness
Completed: Removed by revision [11395] in version:
11:11 Ticket #3072 (AutoIt3Help.exe crash at begining of script) created by mLipok
At top of my script I have: […] When I try to use CTRL+F1 in …
09:47 Ticket #3071 (4th example in Random() can be removed) created by guinness
As now the value will be returned without @error being set


12:36 Ticket #3070 (F1 not opening AutoIt help) closed by Jos
No Bug
12:30 Ticket #3069 (Missing "AutoItConstants.au3" in "AutoIt Constants include files" help page) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11390] in version:
11:53 Ticket #3070 (F1 not opening AutoIt help) created by TheDcoder
F1 is not opening the function documentation instead it opens windows …
10:49 Ticket #3069 (Missing "AutoItConstants.au3" in "AutoIt Constants include files" help page) created by TheDcoder
Missing "AutoItConstants.au3" which was added in the new stable …
09:42 Ticket #3068 (Documentation fix: Switch) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11387] in version:


13:32 Ticket #3068 (Documentation fix: Switch) created by Nutster
"If no cases match the Switch value, then the Case Else section, if …


17:43 WikiStart edited by guinness
17:42 WikiStart edited by guinness
17:41 WikiStart edited by guinness
10:39 Milestone completed
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.