


19:31 Ticket #3049 (Cross-referencing to assist in finding UDFs in the help) created by c.haslam
I am starting this ticket because the topic has changed from Ticket …


13:51 Ticket #3048 (DllStructCreate strange bug) closed by jchd18
No Bug: No bug here: re-read help file under DllStructCreate and look for align directive. […] Next time use GHS forum to ask questions.
12:12 Ticket #3048 (DllStructCreate strange bug) created by anonymous
This structure size is 512 Bytes, but when I use DllStructGetSize() to …
04:50 Ticket #3047 (_MathCheckDiv: Purpose inaccurate) created by anonymous
Existing: Checks if Num1 is divisable by Num2 Looking at the …


18:48 Ticket #3043 (FOR..IN..NEXT loop completes before processing all Outlook maillitems) closed by Jos
No Bug: Same is happening with a VBScript so not an AutoIt3 Comm issues
05:20 Ticket #3046 (Obj/COM Reference: typos) created by c.haslam
Existing: This could be very handy in cases you need to wait for …
02:46 Ticket #3044 (Language reference > Variables and Constants) closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: Constants are variables, they don't need their own heading. Also, the variables section of the help file includes Arrays and Maps and they're not mentioned in your request, and are also a type of variable, so they don't need their own heading either.
02:43 Ticket #3045 (String constants: ' and ") closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: As explained above, this is already referenced in the help file. As this isn't variable related, it wouldn't be something that should be included in the variable reference section.


16:42 Ticket #3045 (String constants: ' and ") created by c.haslam
In Language reference > Variables, I do not find the use of ' and " …
16:29 Ticket #3044 (Language reference > Variables and Constants) created by anonymous
I suggest that the Variables page be called Variables and COnstants


21:10 Ticket #3043 (FOR..IN..NEXT loop completes before processing all Outlook maillitems) created by apoliemans
Tested in v3.3.12.0 and v3.3.13.20 (beta). When iterating Outlook …
13:23 Ticket #3029 (_DateDiff() additional help) closed by Jpm
No Bug: The function return a double. the time is not ignored.
10:18 Ticket #3039 (AutoiItSetWindowTitle() typo in example 2) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11317] in version:
10:14 Ticket #3041 (AutoitWinGetTitle typos in example) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11316] in version:
09:13 Ticket #3042 (Number(): Remarks needs rework) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11314] in version:
09:00 Ticket #3040 (Int() typos in Remarks) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11313] in version:


20:39 Ticket #3042 (Number(): Remarks needs rework) created by c.haslam
Remarks says: A string beginning with digits has non-numeric …
15:53 Ticket #3041 (AutoitWinGetTitle typos in example) created by anonymous
Display AutoIt"s Hidden Window should be Display AutoIt's hidden …
15:44 Ticket #3040 (Int() typos in Remarks) created by c.haslam
Remarks says: Default behavior is that if the result is within range …
06:08 Ticket #3039 (AutoiItSetWindowTitle() typo in example 2) created by c.haslam
In Example 2, I see Set the title of of the AutoIt Hidden Window


10:40 Ticket #3034 (_Timer_SetTimer() doc example) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11310] in version:
08:39 Ticket #3037 (_RunDOS() waits for command completion) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11309] in version:
08:33 Ticket #3038 (_Timer_SetTimer() callback function parameters) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11308] in version:


16:04 Ticket #3035 (_FileListToArrayRec: new switch for (protected system files)) closed by Melba23
Rejected: OP PMed that he no longer needed this, so I am closing the ticker. M23
13:16 Ticket #3038 (_Timer_SetTimer() callback function parameters) created by c.haslam
Perhaps add a description of what $iTime is: The number of …
10:06 Ticket #3036 (_Timer_SetTimer parameter explanations) closed by Melba23
No Bug: Do you seriously think we have the time to look through the closed tickets every now and again to check if someone has added further comments to them? If you want to make a point - open a new ticket. M23


23:18 Ticket #3037 (_RunDOS() waits for command completion) created by c.haslam
I suggest adding the following as a Remark: The script waits until …


04:33 Ticket #3036 (_Timer_SetTimer parameter explanations) created by c.haslam
If no one looks at comments in closed tickets, please see the ones …


22:55 Ticket #3032 (AutoIt allows nonsense preceding expression) closed by jchd18
No Bug: Absolutely! Since all the code posted so far is correctly flagged as invalid by Au3Check (for a reason) then it is obviously not suitable for interpretation. Closing this as "no bug" until an actual bug is exhibited.


23:04 Ticket #3035 (_FileListToArrayRec: new switch for (protected system files)) created by anonymous
add a switch that that will hide files that attributed both hidden + …
22:16 Ticket #3034 (_Timer_SetTimer() doc example) created by c.haslam
A simple example for newbies might be helpful: […] This exmaple …


20:38 Ticket #3033 (Small mistake in _Excel_PictureAdd() Help File) created by l3ill
_Excel_PictureAdd Second Example "; Insert the picture without …
10:19 Ticket #3031 (Macro Reference > @MSEC typo) closed by water
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11304] in version:


19:51 Ticket #3032 (AutoIt allows nonsense preceding expression) created by anonymous
The AutoIt interpreter can execute the line […]


04:39 Ticket #3031 (Macro Reference > @MSEC typo) created by c.haslam
Range is 00 to 999 should be Range is 000 to 999
03:20 Ticket #3030 (_Timer_SetTimer: example with $sTimerFunc parameter) closed by BrewManNH
Rejected: Closing this ticket as instructed.


17:56 Ticket #3030 (_Timer_SetTimer: example with $sTimerFunc parameter) created by c.haslam
It would be desirable to have a second example, one which uses $sTimerFunc


10:16 Ticket #3028 (GUICtrlCreateCombo(0) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11303] in version:
07:52 Ticket #2634 (Treat keyword Default like an unset optional parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: I agree, I can't remember when …


22:56 Ticket #3029 (_DateDiff() additional help) created by anonymous
I suggest the following be added, perhaps to the Remarks section: …
16:10 Ticket #3028 (GUICtrlCreateCombo(0) created by c.haslam
Help says: To combine styles with the default style use BitOR/a> ( …


13:18 Ticket #3023 (GUISetHelp.au3 - HelpFile Example) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11298] in version:
11:08 Ticket #3026 (Au3Check unexpectedly trims Const definitions to 63 characters and ...) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11296] in version:


21:26 Ticket #3027 (_WinAPI_RegEnumKeyEx) created by jguinch
It should be useful to have this function in the WinAPIReg.au3 …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.