- 09:40 Ticket #3011 (_FileListToArrayRec does not closes file handle) created by
- After we read files in subfolders, the folder handle is not closed, …
- 17:37 Ticket #3010 (Au3Info - Double Click on Listview in "Control" Tab) created by
- When I 2*click on "Advanced Mode" then I get "[CLASS:Button; …
- 10:48 Ticket #3009 (MouseGetCursor for HAND) created by
- Running GUISetCursor examle and after run MouseGetCursor example does …
- 18:23 Ticket #3008 (texting on a notepad) closed by
- Rejected: This is a site for feature requests or Bug reports, not support requests. Please visit our forum for support. Jos
- 11:11 Ticket #3008 (texting on a notepad) created by
- I am able to enter text in a notepad and save it. But what 1.if i …
- 15:42 Ticket #3007 (Make {} the empty map.) created by
- […]
- 15:41 Ticket #3006 (Create a shortcut for the expression in a With statement.) created by
- […]
- 15:39 Ticket #3005 (Allow maps as expressions in a "With" statement.) created by
- […]
- 22:12 Ticket #3004 (Anonymous Maps) created by
- So I have an idea which I think will make coding a little easier in …
- 22:58 Ticket #3003 (Using a function call in an array assignment causes 2 function calls) created by
- With this code : […] "myFunction" appears two times in the output …
- 17:21 Ticket #2988 (_Excel_RangeFind fails without throwing error when searching inactive ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11252] in version:
- 17:07 Ticket #2993 (_Excel_RangeFind returns only last occurrence of string found Rather ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11251] in version:
- 02:15 Ticket #2983 (_WinApi_GetString documentation error) closed by
- Fixed
- 14:12 Ticket #3002 (Bug - _DateAdd('s', 1, '1970/01/01') Returns '1970/01/01') created by
- Repro: […] solusion proposal: new internal function: […] …
- 12:11 Ticket #2994 (Can't run _Excel_RangeFind example in closed by
- Wont Fix: This is caused by the way AutoIt handles COM errors. Up to a COM error was returned by setting @error, with the script crashes when you haven't set up a COM error handler. Up to the script simply checked @error and then decided what to do. Now you need a COM error handler even when you wanted to ignore the error. I hope this change will be thought over before the release of the next production version. Now it is a huge overhead with little to none advantage compared to the "old" solution. The current Excel UDF in the repository has a COM error handler established for each function when called and dropped at the end.
- 20:34 Ticket #3001 (Added AutoIt3x_64.dll to Excel Add-in list loads it as initial spreadsheet.) created by
- Added AutoIt3x_64.dll to Excel Add-in list. Now the DLL loads as …
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