


04:46 Ticket #2961 (FileGetSize() Documentation) created by Synix <cross.fire@…>
Failure: 0 and sets the @error flag to 1. should be Failure: 0 and …


15:26 Ticket #2958 (Keeping AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description blank when explicitly set) closed by Jos
Rejected: Won't happen for several reasons. Ultimately you can remove the total version block. see helpfile. Jos
15:24 Ticket #2960 (SciTE show code abnormal) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: There is nothing for me to check as I can't get the issue to appear and either way when this is a generic issue with SciTE , you need to report this at the official website, since I use the same base source. https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=email/#!forum/scite-interest Closed as "won't fix" Jos
05:50 Ticket #2960 (SciTE show code abnormal) created by anonymous
sorry to open another thread since …


18:51 Ticket #2959 (IE and GUI) closed by Melba23
Works For Me: "I didn't receive any response on the forum so I'm writing here" Wrong thing to do - Trac is not for support. Next time bump your thread at least once. And your script works fine for me with none of the problems you describe - so perhaps for everyone else too, which is why you got no response. M23
13:20 Ticket #2959 (IE and GUI) created by grzesiek
[…] When I run this script the GUI is less responsive and what …
08:55 Ticket #2954 (latest version of scite does not show correctly) closed by Jos
Rejected: I am not going to do any further investigation when the latest version is working correctly. ;) We use the source from the official SciTE version by Neil so it could very well be it got fixed in one of his releases. Just use the current Beta, which is based on the latest official SciTE release. Closing this BUG report. Thanks Jos
00:43 Ticket #2958 (Keeping AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description blank when explicitly set) created by Mat
Raised on behalf of an SO user after …


16:43 Ticket #2957 (_ArraySort: help needs meaning of defaults and 2D) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11166] in version:
15:02 Ticket #2957 (_ArraySort: help needs meaning of defaults and 2D) created by anonymous
In Parameters, "index" makes sense for 1D (vector). Help should say …


22:04 Ticket #2956 (EndFunc not required in the last function of the script) closed by jchd18
No Bug: Not so strange if you realize that a script with a single line MsgBox(...) will not complain about Exit missing. From there to regarding EOF as an implicit Exit is a small and rather logical step. Closing now.


21:02 Ticket #2956 (EndFunc not required in the last function of the script) created by jguinch
With this code : […] I can compile it (from the context menu) and …


19:22 Ticket #2955 (Using Is### breaks Maps passed ByRef) reopened by Melba23
I now agree that there is a problem - but not the one you think you have found. I believe it happens when you pass a Map ByRef and check on the values. This example shows it clearly: […] So the bug appears to be using Is##### on a Map passed ByRef - I have amended the title. M23 P.S. By the way, I notice the reference to "game" in your script - could I gently point you to the Forum rules: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
17:21 Ticket #2955 (Using Is### breaks Maps passed ByRef) closed by Melba23
No Bug
12:52 Ticket #2955 (Using Is### breaks Maps passed ByRef) created by anonymous
Depending on various things, some map values can be broken Shortest …


05:39 Ticket #2954 (latest version of scite does not show correctly) created by anonymous
the latest version of scite does not show correctly when user's os is …


12:58 Ticket #2953 (Escaping from input box doesn't return @error = 1) closed by Jos
Rejected: Duplicate. @OP, stop making bug reports for support questions and go to our forums.
12:57 Ticket #2952 (Escaping from input box doesn't return @error = 1) closed by Jos
Rejected: This is not even close to a proper bug report. Go to the forum for support.


22:52 Ticket #2953 (Escaping from input box doesn't return @error = 1) created by anonymous
Escaping or cancelling from an input box does not return the …
22:52 Ticket #2952 (Escaping from input box doesn't return @error = 1) created by anonymous
Escaping or cancelling from an input box does not return the …


08:59 Ticket #2951 (How to automate [Internet options-Connections-Lan settings-Tick/untick ...) closed by Melba23
Rejected: Please seek support in the forum - Trac is not the place. M23
07:25 Ticket #2951 (How to automate [Internet options-Connections-Lan settings-Tick/untick ...) created by krishnacare4uall@…
Please help me as per th subject. I didnt find any help in this.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.