


18:29 Ticket #2941 (Tidy doesn't find Then on a continuation line in a #Tidy_Off block) closed by Jos
Fixed: This is already fixed in the available beta version of Tidy. Jos
17:07 Ticket #2941 (Tidy doesn't find Then on a continuation line in a #Tidy_Off block) created by AlanParry
This :- […] causes ";### Tidy Error: If/ElseIf statement …
15:29 Ticket #2940 (_FileListToArrayRec does not return files having no extension with ...) closed by Melba23
No Bug: See my reply in this thread: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/165777-strange-behaviour-with-filelisttoarrayrec/#entry1210635 M23
08:32 Ticket #2940 (_FileListToArrayRec does not return files having no extension with ...) created by jguinch
In a folder with some files that have no extension (for example the …


10:17 Ticket #2939 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_Create zeros part widths when PartWidth array given ...) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11154] in version:


15:16 Ticket #2939 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_Create zeros part widths when PartWidth array given ...) created by anonymous
If _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create is called with an array of $vPartWidth but …


11:12 Ticket #2938 (Add "GetCount" to ControlCommand()) created by anonymous
Please add command "GetCount" to ControlCommand() function for ListBox …


16:40 Ticket #2936 (autoit- compiler throws error unable to write .tmp file) closed by Melba23
No Bug: Aut2Exe has been creating temporary files in an AppData folder since What you are experiencing is usually your AV preventing Aut2Exe creating files at that location - the solution is to add that folder to your exception list. And in future please search the forum and eventually post there to seek advice before raising a ticket. M23
09:48 Ticket #2937 (TCPRecv() set @error to -1 when a telnet client connect on socket) created by antoine@…
hello, Autoit 3.3.12, TCPRecv () returns @error -1 when a telnet …
09:48 Ticket #2936 (autoit- compiler throws error unable to write .tmp file) created by jmichae3@…
just compile anything. this has been happening since Aut2Exe …


16:38 Ticket #2935 (GUIGetCursorInfo behavior in Windows 8) closed by Melba23
No Bug: When I run this script on my Win7 machine I see the behaviour you describe under Win 8 - the underlying control becomes visible when the cursor moves over it even though the input is extended. So I do not see this as a bug as described (change from Win 7 to Win 8). Anyway there is a simple workaround to create what is claimed to be the "old" behaviour - just hide the other control when the input is extended: […] Could I ask that next time you post in the forum to confirm that others can reproduce what you consider to be a bug before raising a ticket. M23
11:22 Ticket #2935 (GUIGetCursorInfo behavior in Windows 8) created by corz


18:19 Ticket #2933 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToVar $SF_* , $SFF_*) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11152] in version:
18:12 Ticket #2934 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetZoom - Remarks) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11151] in version:


21:45 Ticket #2934 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetZoom - Remarks) created by mLipok
in remarks: […] "6400$" it should be "6400%"
21:43 Ticket #2933 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToVar $SF_* , $SFF_*) created by mLipok
in Remarks there is: $SF_* , $SFF_* constants are defined in FTPEx.au3 …
10:18 Ticket #2932 (embedded Windows-Explorer under Windows 7 / 8.1 and Drag & Drop fails) created by card0384@…
in this code works drag and drop from Explorer to autoit-gui: […] …


07:28 Ticket #2931 (_ExcelRangeFind helpfile example doesn't work with v. beta) closed by water
Wont Fix


12:58 Ticket #2931 (_ExcelRangeFind helpfile example doesn't work with v. beta) created by gcriaco
here is what happens with latest beta: >Running:(\Program …
06:03 Ticket #2927 (Adding Items with GUICtrlCreateListViewItem will cause GUI freeze if a ...) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: I agree with M23 remark your WM_DRAWITEM has a pb so go to the forum to get help to locate it I will close it Just reopen a new one if you really islotae the pb. Cheers


18:21 Ticket #2930 (Wrong CheckBox position for ListView) closed by Melba23
No Bug: The problem is not of AutoIt's making - you are using an icon view without icons. If you use icons as shown in bogQ's example you get centred checkboxes. M23
16:00 Ticket #2930 (Wrong CheckBox position for ListView) created by mike2003
I found that if i change the font size, the CheckBox position look …


09:27 Ticket #2929 (Check if a method exists using IsFunc()) created by Synix <cross.fire@…>
I don't know if its already too much of a "things we won't do" but …


09:57 Ticket #2928 (Autoit doesn't work with latest selenium driver update with latest watir) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Please follow the track report guide line. I think you must go to the forum first to get help
07:28 Ticket #2928 (Autoit doesn't work with latest selenium driver update with latest watir) created by sarath.pkvn@…
I am using watir and I recently updated my firefox as well as selenium …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.