- 21:45 Ticket #2934 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetZoom - Remarks) created by
- in remarks: […] "6400$" it should be "6400%"
- 21:43 Ticket #2933 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToVar $SF_* , $SFF_*) created by
- in Remarks there is: $SF_* , $SFF_* constants are defined in FTPEx.au3 …
- 10:18 Ticket #2932 (embedded Windows-Explorer under Windows 7 / 8.1 and Drag & Drop fails) created by
- in this code works drag and drop from Explorer to autoit-gui: […] …
- 07:28 Ticket #2931 (_ExcelRangeFind helpfile example doesn't work with v. beta) closed by
- Wont Fix
- 12:58 Ticket #2931 (_ExcelRangeFind helpfile example doesn't work with v. beta) created by
- here is what happens with latest beta: >Running:(\Program …
- 06:03 Ticket #2927 (Adding Items with GUICtrlCreateListViewItem will cause GUI freeze if a ...) closed by
- Works For Me: I agree with M23 remark your WM_DRAWITEM has a pb so go to the forum to get help to locate it I will close it Just reopen a new one if you really islotae the pb. Cheers
- 18:21 Ticket #2930 (Wrong CheckBox position for ListView) closed by
- No Bug: The problem is not of AutoIt's making - you are using an icon view without icons. If you use icons as shown in bogQ's example you get centred checkboxes. M23
- 16:00 Ticket #2930 (Wrong CheckBox position for ListView) created by
- I found that if i change the font size, the CheckBox position look …
- 09:27 Ticket #2929 (Check if a method exists using IsFunc()) created by
- I don't know if its already too much of a "things we won't do" but …
- 09:57 Ticket #2928 (Autoit doesn't work with latest selenium driver update with latest watir) closed by
- Rejected: Please follow the track report guide line. I think you must go to the forum first to get help
- 07:28 Ticket #2928 (Autoit doesn't work with latest selenium driver update with latest watir) created by
- I am using watir and I recently updated my firefox as well as selenium …
- 18:51 Ticket #2927 (Adding Items with GUICtrlCreateListViewItem will cause GUI freeze if a ...) created by
- When i add listview items with GUICtrlCreateListViewItem to an …
- 04:19 Ticket #2926 (IsFunc() documentation examples) closed by
- No Bug: This has been corrected in the beta help files. The help file for already shows the corrected text.
- 22:59 Ticket #2926 (IsFunc() documentation examples) created by
- Both examples for IsFunc() have incorrect texts. Example 1: {{{"This …
- 15:14 Ticket #2925 (_WinAPI_ShellChangeNotifyRegister problem) created by
- […] It's the Example script from Help file,and it's not working …
- 20:27 Ticket #2924 (Progress bar style documentation) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11138] in version:
- 19:31 Ticket #2924 (Progress bar style documentation) created by
- I noticed PBS_SMOOTHREVERSE from …
- 23:44 Ticket #2923 (Brokenlink in Help GUICtrlCreateEdit) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11136] in version:
- 16:24 Ticket #2923 (Brokenlink in Help GUICtrlCreateEdit) created by
- To obtain the value of the control see GUICtrlRead(). To set or change …
- 13:18 Ticket #2922 (Better reliability for _VersionCompare()) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [11131] in version:
- 17:14 Ticket #2913 (Mouse cursor jumps when showing a GUI with child) closed by
- Rejected: I don't think AutoIt GUI Windows are dialog Windows box. So this mouse behavior does nothing just try a button on the parent Windows and start it alone. You will see the mouse is not moving to the button. So why the mouse is moving to the child Windows is certainly a side effect I close it as the moving cannot be handled by a main GUI due to AutoIt implementation
- 17:08 Ticket #2905 (DirCopy Redirection Bug) closed by
- Works For Me: I assume you run your test in admin mode. I try to reproduce Under Windows8.1 64_bit and it works as a charm
- 16:45 Ticket #2829 (_Excel_RangeRead unable to return Text values of excel cells) closed by
- Rejected: As no info has been given, we close it
- 14:58 Ticket #2920 (No control resizing on initially hidden window) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11128] in version:
- 14:46 Ticket #2921 (_ArrayFindAll compares using a regular expression) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [11126] in version:
- 01:51 Ticket #2922 (Better reliability for _VersionCompare()) created by
- In ticket #1881 someone stated that version comparing returns …
- 12:40 Ticket #2921 (_ArrayFindAll compares using a regular expression) created by
- It seems missed in docs - _ArrayFindAll uses ArraySearch, so it can …
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