


05:55 Ticket #2916 (GUISetCoord() and GUICtrlCreatePic()) created by Synix <cross.fire@…>
The width and height parameter of GUISetCoord() don't affect …


23:42 Ticket #2915 (Map Memory Leak) created by Mars (AutoIt.de)


04:32 Ticket #2914 (_StringProper - Diacratic Char issue) created by mLipok
Here is repro script: […] Results (correct are from …


00:46 Ticket #2913 (Mouse cursor jumps when showing a GUI with child) created by anonymous
If you have set the windows mouse properties to automatically move the …


11:31 Ticket #2912 (Additional include paths: New command line switch for AutoIt3.exe) created by Tomasz Szreder (tomasz.szreder@…
It is possible to set additional include paths in the Registry as …


12:05 Ticket #2911 (_ArrayDisplay() GUI controls have wrong coords) closed by Melba23
05:31 Ticket #2911 (_ArrayDisplay() GUI controls have wrong coords) created by Synix <cross.fire@…>
When using a GUICoordMode different than 1, _ArrayDisplay() won't …
04:08 Ticket #2910 (Example for _WinAPI_RegisterShellHookWindow() not working) created by Synix <cross.fire@…>
The default example script from the help file doesn't work on my …


22:27 Ticket #2888 (Error return code _WinAPI_DuplicateHandle) closed by guinness
No Bug
22:26 Ticket #2908 (_ScreenCapture_Capture crash) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11104] in version:
22:17 Ticket #2909 (_PathMake() issues in <File.au3>) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11102] in version:


17:35 Ticket #2909 (_PathMake() issues in <File.au3>) created by Synix <cross.fire@…>
_PathMake() adds no backslash if the dir parameter is empty (only …
10:29 Ticket #2896 ($LBS_EXTENDEDSEL missing from GUI Control Styles) closed by Jpm
Fixed: did you check the beta as it was added to it
10:10 Ticket #2893 (Excel UDF - Script Breaking Changes) closed by Jpm


20:20 Ticket #2894 (Assign - new flag - static) closed by BrewManNH
18:52 Ticket #2907 (Unable to read text from Authentication Pop up using Autoit) closed by Melba23
No Bug: For support post in the forum. M23
09:20 Ticket #2908 (_ScreenCapture_Capture crash) created by anonymous
_WinAPI_DeleteObject($aIcon[4]) - line 18 of the Func …
06:53 Ticket #2907 (Unable to read text from Authentication Pop up using Autoit) created by Vinoth Annamalai <vinoth2017@…>
Do we have any function in AutoIt in order to read text (information …
04:07 Ticket #2906 (TCPRecv can't detect closed client web browser sockets) created by anonymous
Last time I checked beta versions error detection was improved but …


08:10 Ticket #2905 (DirCopy Redirection Bug) created by die-gabi-meier@…
1) manual create a folder tmp0 under /SysWOW64 2) put a test.txt into …
00:33 Ticket #2904 (FileOpen does NOT return an error when path is invalid.) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: This isn't a bug, the function sets the return value to -1, it does not set @error. You should be posting these "bug" reports to the forum before posting them here, it would have been explained to you without us having to go through the effort of closing the track tickets.


15:41 Ticket #2904 (FileOpen does NOT return an error when path is invalid.) created by ILLBeBack
The FileOpen function does not return an @error value of –1 when the …
14:12 Ticket #2903 (GUICtrlSetFont does not mention FontConstants.au3) closed by BrewManNH
No Bug: I'm not sure which version of the help file you're looking at, but in it is clearly marked which files are needed to use the constants. In the Weight section, at the bottom of the list of weight constants it says Constants are defined in FontConstants.au3, at the bottom of the attributes section it says Constants are defined in GUIConstantsEx.au3, etc. In re-reading the track ticket I see that the OP mentioned that it wasn't mentioned in the example script to use the FontConstants.au3 file. In looking over the example script posted in the help file, there are no constants being used in it that would require that constants file so omitting it from the example script is a moot point. Whether it would be better to rewrite the example script to remove the magic numbers or not would be another discussion. This bug report is still not valid.
13:59 Ticket #2903 (GUICtrlSetFont does not mention FontConstants.au3) created by ILLBeBack
The example in the help file for function GUICtrlSetFont does not …
05:09 Ticket #2902 (Incorrect GUI Scrolling when GUI is resizeable) created by ILLBeBack
While playing with the example in the help file for the UDF on “GUI …


11:52 Ticket #2901 (Text file as a binary) created by anonymous
Example […] output […] beta output […] Why …
07:05 Ticket #2900 (Control ID returned by GUIGetCursorInfo when use with overlapped controls) created by anonymous
GUIGetCursorInfo() return an array. Index 4 of that array is the …


09:59 Ticket #2899 (WinGetHandle("LAST") : document unclear and @error bug) created by anonymous
The documentation state that […] should return "Last window used …
07:36 Ticket #2897 (_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel has no documentation for $fSelect) closed by Melba23
Fixed: As explained in another ticket - already fixed for the next release. M23
07:34 Ticket #2898 (StringRegExp missing @extended info) closed by Melba23
Completed: There are lots of "missing sections" in the v3.3.13.19 Help file. This was caused by a (very necessary) complete rewriting of the build scripts and has been discussed several times on the forum. The scripts have already been adjusted and in the next release the missing elements should reappear. M23
04:17 Ticket #2898 (StringRegExp missing @extended info) created by ascend4nt
StringRegExp documentation is now missing information on how @extended …
04:12 Ticket #2897 (_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel has no documentation for $fSelect) created by ascend4nt
_GUICtrlListBox_SetSel() documentation is missing a description of …
04:10 Ticket #2896 ($LBS_EXTENDEDSEL missing from GUI Control Styles) created by ascend4nt
Looking at the GUI Control Styles while creating a GUICtrlCreateList() …


15:22 Ticket #2895 (_FTP_ProgressUpload _FTP_ProgressDownload documentation) closed by Melba23
Duplicate: Already reported and fixed: https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/2844 M23
12:19 Ticket #2895 (_FTP_ProgressUpload _FTP_ProgressDownload documentation) created by anonymous
DOcumentation of the functions _FTP_ProgressUpload …
09:15 Ticket #2894 (Assign - new flag - static) created by mLipok
Please add new flag 'Static' I'am thinking about posibility to …


19:29 Ticket #2893 (Excel UDF - Script Breaking Changes) created by AdamUL
The Excel UDF - Script Breaking Changes page needs to be updated. …


19:52 Ticket #2892 (GUICtrlSetData on dummy control - AutoIt bug or Document Incorrect?) created by anonymous
In …


13:54 Ticket #2891 (_WinAPI_GetWindowDC / _WinAPI_RedrawWindow - Example) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11087] in version:
06:22 Ticket #2860 (Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11085] in version:


21:13 Ticket #2891 (_WinAPI_GetWindowDC / _WinAPI_RedrawWindow - Example) created by mLipok
There is not an example for _WinAPI_GetWindowDC, but there is an …


15:56 Ticket #2890 (DllStructGetString) created by Mars (AutoIt.de)
Request: DllStructGetString: Struct -> String Returns the string used …
11:57 Ticket #2889 (_FileListToArrayRec - ReturnValue documentation is not complete) closed by Melba23
Fixed: There was a problem with several Help file pages which included tables - it has been fixed for the next release. M23


21:13 Ticket #2889 (_FileListToArrayRec - ReturnValue documentation is not complete) created by mLipok
there is onlny: […] But there are no one followed values .


19:39 Ticket #2888 (Error return code _WinAPI_DuplicateHandle) created by step8876@…
((( If @error Or Not $aResult[0] Then Return SetError(@error, …


22:00 Ticket #2887 (AutoIt fails to deallocate a COM object when it gets reassigned) created by anonymous
Reassigning a value to a COM object results in a crash.
17:03 Ticket #2886 (Stack Trace) created by anonymous
Please show a stack trace (with line numbers) of the called AutoIt …
15:37 Ticket #2883 (#include - issue with </strong> tag in syntax section) closed by guinness
Fixed: It was fixed sometime ago it appears.
15:09 Ticket #2882 (AutoItX PixelChecksum Bug) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11074] in version:
14:15 Ticket #2885 (_array_max error with ubound 0) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11072] in version:
10:04 Ticket #2885 (_array_max error with ubound 0) created by anonymous
1) […] "...\AutoIt3\Beta\Include\array.au3" (1249) : ==> Subscript …


17:10 Ticket #2857 (_GUICtrlEdit_GetCueBanner / _GUICtrlEdit_SetCueBanner) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11064] in version:
15:56 Ticket #2884 (AutoIt tries to call COM VariantClear() on uninitialized memory) created by coderpro@…
A COM OLE query to an MS SQL Server database results in a crash in …
13:37 Ticket #2860 (Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type) reopened by Jpm
I understand better your idea. A lot of change to do. I will convert 'ptr' to 'struct*' when $tag... can be used
13:23 Ticket #2881 (HotKeySet with "{ASC 0x####}" always sets "A") closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11063] in version:
11:51 Ticket #2883 (#include - issue with </strong> tag in syntax section) created by mLipok
in syntax there is: […] I mean there is issue with </strong> tag.


15:18 Ticket #2882 (AutoItX PixelChecksum Bug) created by JohnOne
It does not work in C# (don't know about other OS') and returns 0 …
11:15 Ticket #2881 (HotKeySet with "{ASC 0x####}" always sets "A") created by Melba23
HotKeySet takes the "A" from "ASC" as the key to set: […] …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.