


19:39 Ticket #2888 (Error return code _WinAPI_DuplicateHandle) created by step8876@…
((( If @error Or Not $aResult[0] Then Return SetError(@error, …


22:00 Ticket #2887 (AutoIt fails to deallocate a COM object when it gets reassigned) created by anonymous
Reassigning a value to a COM object results in a crash.
17:03 Ticket #2886 (Stack Trace) created by anonymous
Please show a stack trace (with line numbers) of the called AutoIt …
15:37 Ticket #2883 (#include - issue with </strong> tag in syntax section) closed by guinness
Fixed: It was fixed sometime ago it appears.
15:09 Ticket #2882 (AutoItX PixelChecksum Bug) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11074] in version:
14:15 Ticket #2885 (_array_max error with ubound 0) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11072] in version:
10:04 Ticket #2885 (_array_max error with ubound 0) created by anonymous
1) […] "...\AutoIt3\Beta\Include\array.au3" (1249) : ==> Subscript …


17:10 Ticket #2857 (_GUICtrlEdit_GetCueBanner / _GUICtrlEdit_SetCueBanner) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11064] in version:
15:56 Ticket #2884 (AutoIt tries to call COM VariantClear() on uninitialized memory) created by coderpro@…
A COM OLE query to an MS SQL Server database results in a crash in …
13:37 Ticket #2860 (Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type) reopened by Jpm
I understand better your idea. A lot of change to do. I will convert 'ptr' to 'struct*' when $tag... can be used
13:23 Ticket #2881 (HotKeySet with "{ASC 0x####}" always sets "A") closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11063] in version:
11:51 Ticket #2883 (#include - issue with </strong> tag in syntax section) created by mLipok
in syntax there is: […] I mean there is issue with </strong> tag.


15:18 Ticket #2882 (AutoItX PixelChecksum Bug) created by JohnOne
It does not work in C# (don't know about other OS') and returns 0 …
11:15 Ticket #2881 (HotKeySet with "{ASC 0x####}" always sets "A") created by Melba23
HotKeySet takes the "A" from "ASC" as the key to set: […] …


17:44 Ticket #2872 (FileDelete set @extended deleted count) closed by Melba23
00:14 Ticket #2880 (Example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11062] in version:


18:40 Ticket #2574 ("Switch...Case...EndSwitch") closed by Melba23
Rejected: We do not add features because someone "feels" it might be useful. Come up with a concrete use case where sequenced If statements are too cumbersome and we might reopen the ticket. M23
18:39 Ticket #2880 (Example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess) created by AdamUL
There is not an example for _WinAPI_OpenProcess, but there is an …
14:12 Ticket #2879 (objcreate("Microsoft.Update.Session","REMOTEHOST") is not connecting ...) created by devilman16
I want to list the installed Windows Updates on a remote system, but …


16:12 Ticket #2860 (Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type) closed by Jpm
15:53 Ticket #2876 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_Paste - proposal) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11056] in version:
15:28 Ticket #2877 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont.au3 - proposal) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11055] in version:
14:08 Ticket #2875 (_SendMessage - broken link to .DllCall in Related Section) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11054] in version:
12:43 Ticket #2874 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11053] in version:
08:32 Ticket #2878 (ObjCreateInterface the last func instance call) created by bogQ
Currently, ObjCreateInterface in case of interface having more than …
03:19 Ticket #2877 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFont.au3 - proposal) created by mLipok
added: […] because in this way better presents what is changing.
02:58 Ticket #2876 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_Paste - proposal) created by mLipok
small Script CleanUp and changed FindFirstBMP() […]
01:40 Ticket #2875 (_SendMessage - broken link to .DllCall in Related Section) created by mLipok
in Related there is broken link to .DllCall There is not needed dot in …
01:25 Ticket #2874 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor) created by mLipok
the same problem like HERE: …


21:38 Ticket #2873 (Experimental functionalities and plans for the future.) closed by Melba23
No Bug
19:15 Ticket #2873 (Experimental functionalities and plans for the future.) created by mLipok
Please consider opportunities to share information on the future of …
13:48 Ticket #2872 (FileDelete set @extended deleted count) created by anonymous
In @extended macro may be the number of deleted files. …
11:18 Ticket #2871 (#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutPath) created by lwc
Sometimes you might want files created in a specified folder, but it …


10:33 Ticket #2870 (AutoIt send key combinations do not work sometimes) closed by Jos
No Bug: .. and the bug is ..what? Please refrain from creating BUG reports until you have some sort of confirmed BUG. Visit our forum for questions/support. Jos
09:45 Ticket #2870 (AutoIt send key combinations do not work sometimes) created by icemang2@…
When AutoIT is used to copy and paste several hundred lines of text …
09:08 Ticket #2868 (_WinAPI_SfcIsKeyProtected.au3.au3 - mistake in the file name) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11047] in version:
05:13 Ticket #2869 (GUICtrlSetTip displays wrong tip message in child GUI when tabs used ...) created by Mungo
Using GUICtrlSetTip() on tab items on a parent GUI as well as on a …
00:53 Ticket #2868 (_WinAPI_SfcIsKeyProtected.au3.au3 - mistake in the file name) created by mLipok
it should be _WinAPI_SfcIsFileProtected.au3 sorry for my mistake in …


11:23 Ticket #2867 (Au3Stripper /rsln replaces wrong @ScriptLineNumber in function ...) closed by Melba23
No Bug: You have posted about this in the forum. Why have you also raised a Trac ticket before Jos has had a chance to respond? Closed - I will reopen if Jos agrees there is a bug - although looking at mLipok's script I do not think that is very likely. M23
00:30 Ticket #2867 (Au3Stripper /rsln replaces wrong @ScriptLineNumber in function ...) created by coderpro@…
Au3Stripper v14.801.1932.0 currently replaces @ScriptLineNumber in a …


12:59 Ticket #2866 (regread cant read x64 keys remote) created by anonymous
If you run regread from a x86 os PC and want to read a regkey from a …


20:54 Ticket #2704 (soundsetwavevolume doesn't work with object) closed by Jos
No Bug
20:19 Ticket #2864 (I registered on the forum but can't get an activation) closed by Melba23
No Bug: Sorted M23
19:51 Ticket #2865 (Autoit crash with NodeList on For In loop) created by anonymous
[…] For To loop work fine, but For In leads to hard crash: […] …


19:01 Ticket #2864 (I registered on the forum but can't get an activation) created by mr2_mk1@…
Hello, I registered this morning with ahmedar username, but I cannot …


12:39 Ticket #2863 (Using AutoIt - Controls - MSDN link) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [11022] in version:


20:41 Ticket #2863 (Using AutoIt - Controls - MSDN link) created by mLipok
Please consider to add link here: " One of the best features with …
17:04 Milestone completed
16:34 Ticket #2862 (StringRegExp $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALFULLMATCH option regress) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11014] in version:
15:16 Ticket #2861 (_WinAPI_ReadDirectoryChanges not working) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [11010] in version:
13:55 Ticket #2862 (StringRegExp $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALFULLMATCH option regress) created by anonymous
In release $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALFULLMATCH work correct, but …
12:18 Ticket #2861 (_WinAPI_ReadDirectoryChanges not working) created by anonymous
[…] File name is not returned when the directory changes.
08:50 Ticket #2860 (Convert UDF's ptr to struct* type) created by Eukalyptus
there are still a lot of DllCall´s where "ptr" is used. e.g. …


11:09 Ticket #2859 (Tidy restore folds regression) closed by Jos
No Bug: Closing as No-Bug for now. In case you have issues please first come to the forum and show all required info to be able to establish there is a bug or not. In case it is still an issue for you then provide more info like: post all info from the SciTE OutputPane so I can see what is happening. Jos
09:14 Ticket #2859 (Tidy restore folds regression) created by anonymous
Tidy AutoIt3 v14.801.1932.0 do not restore folds states
00:24 Ticket #2858 (_Iif - ScriptBreakingChange) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [10989] in version:
00:17 Ticket #2856 (Tutorial - HelloWorld - "manual") closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10988] in version:


23:52 Ticket #2858 (_Iif - ScriptBreakingChange) created by mLipok
Question about: _Iif() in 23rd December, 2013 - v3.3.10.0 there …
21:41 Ticket #2857 (_GUICtrlEdit_GetCueBanner / _GUICtrlEdit_SetCueBanner) created by mLipok
Please consider: add this two function _GUICtrlEdit_GetCueBanner …
19:52 Ticket #2856 (Tutorial - HelloWorld - "manual") created by mLipok
There is: "Now, let's look at the flag parameter for the MsgBox …
12:29 Ticket #2838 (RegRead - Remarks - Proposal) closed by guinness
12:27 Ticket #2837 ("Install Directory Structure" Section - proposal) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [10970] in version:
12:16 Ticket #2848 (History: "THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE" - not all are strong/bold) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10968] in version:
06:39 Ticket #2852 (Empty #include) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10953] in version:
04:29 Ticket #2855 (Scoping and declaration modifiers combinations) created by jchd18
Static is currently forbidden in combination with Enum and Const but …


23:09 Ticket #2854 (Keyword Reference) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10952] in version:
22:47 Ticket #2853 (Tutorial - Simple Notepad Automation) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10951] in version:
22:37 Ticket #2854 (Keyword Reference) created by mLipok
there is: See Keyword Notes for details on usage. But it should …
22:29 Ticket #2853 (Tutorial - Simple Notepad Automation) created by mLipok
In this fragments "After Running a copy of Notepad we need to …
21:54 Ticket #2852 (Empty #include) created by mLipok
@jchd find this: " Help file has empty #include lines (UDF …
14:51 Ticket #2849 (_IENavigate and Win8.1) closed by Jos
No Bug: This is NOT a bug report. Come to the forum when you need support.
14:50 Ticket #2850 (_IENavigate and Win8.1) closed by Jos
No Bug: This is NOT a bug report. Come to the forum when you need support.
14:44 Ticket #2851 (AU3Recorder generate unnecessary code that makes a syntax error) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in AutoIt3Wrapper v 14.801.2025.1, now available in the Beta directory: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/
13:44 Ticket #2851 (AU3Recorder generate unnecessary code that makes a syntax error) created by alex-jll@…
reproduce-steps: 1. run SciTE Version 3.4.4 2. Tools -> AU3Recorder …
11:58 Ticket #2850 (_IENavigate and Win8.1) created by anonymous
Just upgraded to Win 8.1 and discovered my old script is freezing. it …
11:58 Ticket #2849 (_IENavigate and Win8.1) created by anonymous
Just upgraded to Win 8.1 and discovered my old script is freezing. it …


21:30 Ticket #2844 (_FTP_ProgressUpload/_FTP_ProgressDownload example error) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10940] in version:
20:10 Ticket #2848 (History: "THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE" - not all are strong/bold) created by mLipok
In HelpFile in History: there is description "THIS IS A SCRIPT …
18:19 Ticket #2847 (Handle from string) closed by Jos
Rejected: No bug.
16:57 Milestone completed
16:45 Ticket #2839 (GUISetAccelerators - accelerators 1D Array - AutoIt HardCrash) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10937] in version:
15:59 Ticket #2639 (Unable to Copy/Paste from Embedded IE object) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10936] in version:
09:38 Ticket #2847 (Handle from string) created by anonymous
From help for function HWnd() No literal string should be …


17:08 Ticket #2846 (Multiline statements error) closed by Melba23
No Bug: What else would you expect to happen? A line continuation operator is there to split long lines - adding other elements between the operator and the next section of the line will cause an error, as it would were the line to be continuous and the element inserted. Both Au3Check and AutoIt baulk at such a thing - correctly. M23
16:30 Ticket #2846 (Multiline statements error) created by anonymous
Any statement containing two consecutive underscores is an error. […]
15:19 Ticket #2845 (Empty Array isn't Empty) created by anonymous
[…] These two arrays shouldn't contain an empty string. They should …
14:25 Ticket #2843 (_ReplaceStringInFile help file) closed by Jon
13:34 Milestone completed
10:29 Ticket #2824 (_ArrayExtract bugged + solution) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed. M23


06:00 Ticket #2844 (_FTP_ProgressUpload/_FTP_ProgressDownload example error) created by anonymous
the function _FTP_ProgressUpload in his examples passes the parameter …


21:20 Ticket #2843 (_ReplaceStringInFile help file) created by ffdshow
Hello, In the help file, should be written that files encoding in …
13:54 Ticket #2842 (autoit installs only as "run script") closed by Melba23
No Bug: In future, please ask questions like this in the forum - as it is most certainly not a bug. When you install AutoIt you get a dialog asking you whether to "run" or "edit" scripts on opening - it has always been like this since I have been using it. If for some reason your install did not show the dialog (although I cannot imagine why it should not), you can amend the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AutoIt3Script\Shell registry entry to change the default behaviour. And if you use the full SciTE4AutoIt3 package, you can change the behaviour directly via the SciTEConfig utility. M23
13:00 Ticket #2842 (autoit installs only as "run script") created by adambuzza@…
I have tried unistalling autoit, restarting, reinstalling, but as far …


11:21 Ticket #2841 (_StringRepeat adds string once even if parsed count is zero) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10898] in version:
10:36 Ticket #2841 (_StringRepeat adds string once even if parsed count is zero) created by RTFC
Hi devs! RTFC here. I use _StringRepeat with a variable count in file …
10:25 Ticket #2840 (Bug in _Sound.au3) closed by Melba23
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10897] in version:
09:27 Ticket #2840 (Bug in _Sound.au3) created by Eukalyptus
in every "set time format miliseconds" there is missing a "l" => …
07:14 Ticket #2836 (_WinAPI_SfcIsFileProtected - example - proposal) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [10896] in version:


12:43 Ticket #2839 (GUISetAccelerators - accelerators 1D Array - AutoIt HardCrash) created by mLipok
Here is repro script: […] tested on Relase and Beta version


22:40 Ticket #2838 (RegRead - Remarks - Proposal) created by mLipok
in RegRead Function in Remarks Section There is : […] Please …
22:03 Ticket #2837 ("Install Directory Structure" Section - proposal) created by mLipok
in "Install Directory Structure" section there is note about: …
21:31 Ticket #2836 (_WinAPI_SfcIsFileProtected - example - proposal) created by mLipok
16:35 Ticket #2835 (Change the TCP*() funktions to optional use non blocking ports.) created by rthilo
Hello. The timeouts of the TCP*() functions doesn't seem to have …


23:25 Ticket #2834 (FileOpen with mode 2+8) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [10860] in version:
17:43 Ticket #2834 (FileOpen with mode 2+8) created by registracemp@…
Hi, There is a bug in FileOpen function when mode 2 and 8 = …
13:34 Ticket #2831 (Function Binding) closed by jchd18
Rejected: You really should consider using AutoItObject instead of the construction you propose. Indeed, despite having "Object" suffixed to the function names CreateObject, PrintObject, PrintObjects, none of them applies to anything generic. Those functions should really be called CreateArray1D2ElementsNumbers, PrintArray1D2ElementsNumbers, PrintArray1D2ElementsNumbers as they can only process 1D arrays with 2 elements of number type (or strings but then decimalplaces doesn't make sense). In a true OO approach, every processed datatype or container would have a constructor, destructor, a number of commonly used methods such as Print and possibly persistent storage. Then Print(this) would invoke the Print method of whatever type (class) this is: this could be any variant or array of any dimension and content, including nested contents (map containing strings, pointers, arrays of maps, arrays of double and structures). From this point of view the proposal is way too specific to a unique clumsy coding style and should be discarded in favor of AutoItObject.
09:54 Ticket #2833 (macro @funcname) created by anonymous
Please add a macro, variable or something else that will contain the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.