- 18:07 Ticket #2728 (Getting a window handle from PID for more advanced programs) closed by
- No Bug: Ask on the Forum if you don't understand AutoIt please. The example works as is intended.
- 15:59 Ticket #2728 (Getting a window handle from PID for more advanced programs) created by
- http://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_get_a_window_handle_when …
- 23:59 Ticket #2725 (Problem printing help file with multiple examples) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10141] in version:
- 12:32 Ticket #2690 (Win..... Return Value Proposal.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10136] in version:
- 23:39 Ticket #2691 (Bitshift is returning incorect results) closed by
- No Bug: Jchd is correct. Of course if you want to get 52534 then you can just change it to Int($number / 2^$bits)
- 23:13 Ticket #2713 (ByRef Copy Bug) closed by
- Duplicate: Replying to anonymous: > Is this connected to ticket 2502? Yes it is. I hadn't realised this had been looked at before (but it looks like the conclusion was similar (variable != r-value, and byref might use either, or might not). I'll close this as a duplicate. If you want to guard against this, then just force it to copy by writing to the array: […]
- 23:02 Ticket #2727 (optional Datatypes) closed by
- Wont Fix: You are correct that dynamic typing does incur a runtime overhead. However, you are wrong that this would be "static" typing, and that they would perform any better. You'd still need to (at runtime) check the type of the variable and then do something different depending on the type. The only difference between that and a variant is that the explicitly typed case would result in errors, rather than casting. I really like explicit typing. I am very fussy in compiled languages about type, you wouldn't even see me writing float f = 4.0; in C++. But there really isn't any point in it, or need for it, in an interpreted langauge like AutoIt. I hope this explains why I'm closing this. If you still have any questions then feel free to PM me on the forums.
- 20:04 Ticket #2727 (optional Datatypes) created by
- The fact that I could not even find one ticket about this probably …
- 18:26 Ticket #2714 (Help for GUICtrlCreateGraphic omits info for dynamic graphics.) closed by
- Rejected: Please adhere to the AutoIt standards for example creation. As it stands the example which was suggested is way beyond the scope of what the help file is intended for. Thanks.
- 18:24 Ticket #2705 (ObjCreate - without register anything) closed by
- Rejected: The feature according to a former dev is experimental and thus has no place in the official documentation. If or when this feature is stable then the appropriate changes will be made.
- 18:20 Ticket #2721 (_Array... - proposal) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10135] in version:
- 14:24 Ticket #2724 (_WinAPI_CreatePen - doc) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10134] in version:
- 12:42 Ticket #2726 (GUIListView, GUICtrlListView_GetGroupInfoByIndex) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [10129] in version:
- 11:28 Ticket #2726 (GUIListView, GUICtrlListView_GetGroupInfoByIndex) created by
- I use listview in my autoit projects and i need to know the GroupID …
- 11:10 Ticket #2725 (Problem printing help file with multiple examples) created by
- When printing the help file for _Excel_RangeCopyPaste only the first …
- 12:48 Ticket #1919 (Native IPv6 support) reopened by
- 12:38 Ticket #2722 (FileSelectFolder - XP Only - BUG) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug - the flags only work in XP as is explained in the Remarks: The new vista+ dialog style is used if possible, regardless of the Use New Dialog Style flag. With the vista dialog style the edit control and create folder buttons are always shown, ignoring the flags parameter The statement "XP Only" is quite correct - the flags only work in XP. M23
- 12:31 Ticket #2724 (_WinAPI_CreatePen - doc) created by
- based on AZJIO: …
- 08:04 Ticket #2720 (_ArrayBinarySearch - Wrong Description) closed by
- Fixed: Thanks, it was already fix for all _array in
- 07:16 Ticket #2723 (FileConstants.au3 and FileSelectFolder.txt) created by
- please add […] to FileConstants.au3 and I attach modified …
- 07:00 Ticket #2722 (FileSelectFolder - XP Only - BUG) created by
- in Parameteres in "flag" description: […] This is not true. It …
- 06:47 Ticket #2721 (_Array... - proposal) created by
- in _ArrayDisplay removed doubled word array "Displays a 1D or …
- 05:42 Ticket #2720 (_ArrayBinarySearch - Wrong Description) created by
- Now there is […] Proposal: […]
- 23:33 Ticket #2719 ("Misc. functions Reference" - table - Function list) created by
- […] there is no AutoItSetOption / Opt in this table. But this …
- 20:04 Ticket #2716 (GUICtrlSetPos - Parameters proposal) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [10127] in version:
- 06:41 Ticket #2718 (SplashOff - example proposal) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [10125] in version:
- 23:33 Ticket #2718 (SplashOff - example proposal) created by
- current contents of the example: […] PROPOSAL: […] …
- 15:11 Ticket #2717 (AutoIt Constants include files) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10121] in version:
- 22:17 Ticket #2717 (AutoIt Constants include files) created by
- […] This is not true. What about: #include <InetConstants.au3> ??
- 21:44 Ticket #2716 (GUICtrlSetPos - Parameters proposal) created by
- look in Remarks: […] There is talk about Default keyword. …
- 21:09 Ticket #2715 (mistake in helpfile) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10120] in version:
- 20:05 Ticket #2715 (mistake in helpfile) created by
- There is small mistake in comment in the example on page …
- 16:16 Ticket #2712 (RegDelete, RegRead and RegWrite operate on the wrong "keyname".) closed by
- No Bug
- 09:59 Ticket #2714 (Help for GUICtrlCreateGraphic omits info for dynamic graphics.) created by
- See …
- 23:18 Ticket #2713 (ByRef Copy Bug) created by
- In the following script, the presence of ByRef causes $b …
- 18:24 Ticket #2712 (RegDelete, RegRead and RegWrite operate on the wrong "keyname".) created by
- RegDelete, RegRead and RegWrite operate on the wrong "keyname". Is …
- 16:38 Ticket #2710 (Operator Documentation) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10112] in version:
- 16:21 Ticket #2711 (_IELoadWait() hung in case of unknown error) created by
- I have Embedded IE and sometimes it error-out by showing "404" page …
- 15:01 Ticket #2710 (Operator Documentation) created by
- "Language Reference - Operators" lists & as an assignment …
- 14:07 Ticket #2709 (AutoItSC.bin is missing from v3.3.10.2) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10111] in version:
- 13:57 Ticket #2709 (AutoItSC.bin is missing from v3.3.10.2) created by
- AutoIt doesn't have a file AutoItSC.bin in Aut2Exe folder, …
- 16:10 Ticket #2708 (re calculate "to" statment in "for ... to" loop) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug - it is how the language works. And I too dispute whether "other major programming languages" allow changes to the loop limits. Please open a "Feature Request" if you wish such a feature to be considered. M23
- 13:18 Ticket #2708 (re calculate "to" statment in "for ... to" loop) created by
- Should be the behavior of a for loop is the same as in other major …
- 11:26 Ticket #2707 (Incorrect GUI client size) created by
- The script below worked fine in the version When using the …
- 16:34 Ticket #2706 (error in $tagWINDOWINFO) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10109] in version:
- 13:26 Ticket #2706 (error in $tagWINDOWINFO) created by
- didn't find in bugtracker... so - error in: […] rWindow & rClient …
- 09:01 Ticket #2705 (ObjCreate - without register anything) created by
- I used functionalities described below. Very useful and above all …
- 17:24 Ticket #2703 (Soundsetvolume doesn't work with object) closed by
- Duplicate
- 16:58 Ticket #2704 (soundsetwavevolume doesn't work with object) created by
- In the following code soundsetwavevolume works when audio is played …
- 16:57 Ticket #2703 (Soundsetvolume doesn't work with object) created by
- In the following code soundsetwavevolume works when audio is played …
- 10:59 Ticket #2702 (_ArrayTranspose - Return Value - proposal) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [10102] in version:
- 07:01 Ticket #2701 (_ArrayTranspose() - Bug in Func or in Doc) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10098] in version:
- 11:01 Ticket #2702 (_ArrayTranspose - Return Value - proposal) created by
- Please consider to add new @error return […] REPRO (actual its …
- 10:55 Ticket #2701 (_ArrayTranspose() - Bug in Func or in Doc) created by
- in section: Return Value […] REPRO: […] Au3 Console …
- 15:55 Milestone completed
- 15:26 Ticket #2648 (FileSaveDialog extension value) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10093] in version:
- 08:26 Ticket #2700 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharBkColor()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10091] in version:
- 20:23 Ticket #2700 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharBkColor()) created by
- from HelpFile: […] here is a solution to the UDF: […] And …
- 07:51 Ticket #2699 (_ArrayAdd $hDataType not documented) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10084] in version:
- 16:13 Ticket #2699 (_ArrayAdd $hDataType not documented) created by
- no documentation to 6 parametr ($hDataType)
- 18:25 Ticket #2698 (_ArrayAdd return wrong index) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [10082] in version:
- 15:07 Ticket #2698 (_ArrayAdd return wrong index) created by
- I help file for this functions said that Success: the index of last …
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