


10:11 Ticket #2693 (_GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray - Return Value - proposal) created by anonymous
in Return Value section now there is: […] description is not …
07:40 Ticket #2692 (Clear up the AutoIt3Wrapper Directives's documentation) created by lwc
Run Before And After Directives The following directives can …


14:21 Milestone completed


21:07 Ticket #2691 (Bitshift is returning incorect results) created by anonymous
BitShift(3442917988, 16) is returning -13002 when it should be …


23:18 Ticket #2690 (Win..... Return Value Proposal.) created by mlipok
in WinGetTitle if no title match. vWinClose WinMove if window is not …


23:07 Ticket #2687 (_FileListToArray - Remarks - Proposal) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [10010] in version:


20:42 Ticket #2663 (StringRegExpReplace backreference not working) closed by BrewManNH
Completed: Changed by revision [9992] in version:
12:03 Ticket #2689 (_ScreenCapture_Capture Error) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9974] in version:
11:24 Ticket #2689 (_ScreenCapture_Capture Error) created by someonecool12@…
_ScreenCapture_Capture crashes when computer is locked or no mouse is …


08:58 Ticket #2688 (StringToBinary + ConsoleWrite) created by grass.dennis@…
ConsoleWrite-Output is the same as written in StringToBinary if & @LF …


21:25 Ticket #2687 (_FileListToArray - Remarks - Proposal) created by mlipok
Please add the following Remarks: […] and of corus link to …


22:01 Ticket #2686 (Random to return max value when min equals max.) created by anonymous
This has been rejected previously but I don't think it was fully …
08:05 Ticket #2685 (HotKeyRegister fails to register a Hungarian letter) created by Unc3nZureD
I already made (I think 2) topic on the forum, but I think it's a bug. …
05:18 Ticket #2684 (Remove drag behavior of WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT) created by anonymous
With the appearance of $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG, I think it logical to …


20:58 Ticket #2669 (TCP Send and TCP Receive (Example 2)) closed by guinness
No Bug
20:57 Ticket #2683 (_Word_DocSave.au3 - errors in example) closed by guinness
No Bug: I guess something has been fixed our end, because I am not getting those errors.
20:54 Ticket #2682 (StdoutRead[2].au3 - proposal) closed by guinness
Rejected: It doesn't comply with the AutoIt standards for the help file and is not a generic example.
20:51 Ticket #2675 (installdir.htm - Extras) closed by guinness
Completed: rev:9951
20:49 Ticket #2680 (installdir.htm - Library Functions ?) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [9951] in version:
20:45 Ticket #2679 (Undocumented behaviour of arrays) closed by guinness
Rejected: It's not worth documenting, as if it were Jon would have does so when the array datatype was included as part of AutoIt. Don't get me wrong, I have used it too as a neat workaround but other languages such as C# don't allow this sort of behaviour.
20:43 Ticket #2678 (_FileListToArray() - $iFlag constatns) closed by guinness
20:10 Ticket #2683 (_Word_DocSave.au3 - errors in example) created by mlipok
20:04 Ticket #2682 (StdoutRead[2].au3 - proposal) created by mlipok
Here is a second example proposal for StdoutRead() […] Author: …
14:34 Ticket #2681 (More parameters to FileReadToArray function) closed by Melba23
Rejected: "startline" - Why not just action the returned array from a given index? "countline" - Use UBound on the returned array. M23
14:23 Ticket #2681 (More parameters to FileReadToArray function) created by anonymous
whether it is possible to add a couple of parameters: startline and …
10:37 Ticket #2680 (installdir.htm - Library Functions ?) created by mlipok
[…] the second closing bracket is not needed Besides what this …
09:01 Ticket #2677 (installdir.htm - UDFs3.chm) closed by Jpm
08:59 Ticket #2676 (installdir.htm - Extras - sqlite) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9909] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.