- 07:37 Ticket #2616 (StringRegExp - new example - request) closed by
- Rejected
- 07:34 Ticket #2641 (SetError and SetExtended - range for 32bit) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9763] in version:
- 07:31 Ticket #2643 (Global Const $REG_QWORD called twice error) closed by
- No Bug: Remove the declaration from RegFunc.au3. I am closing as No Bug as this isn't related to the AutoIt UDFs.
- 00:49 Ticket #2643 (Global Const $REG_QWORD called twice error) created by
- RegFunc.au3 calls #include <Constants.au3> RegFunc.au3 1. calls …
- 23:47 Ticket #2642 (The function Hex() returns the wrong value) created by
- The code says all what I mean. […]
- 23:21 Ticket #2641 (SetError and SetExtended - range for 32bit) created by
- Please correct in SetError.txt and SetExtended.txt now there is: …
- 19:43 Ticket #2638 (macros.htm - proposal) closed by
- Rejected: Closed as requested by mlipok.
- 16:51 Ticket #2640 (Surprising conversion) created by
- It would be natural to expect an integer from the following …
- 14:35 Ticket #2639 (Unable to Copy/Paste from Embedded IE object) created by
- This issue was reported in the Help and Support forum. Since an …
- 08:44 Ticket #2636 (SciTE History is not available) closed by
- Fixed: is currently nothing in beta, but this file got removed as well. It is restored.
- 23:15 Ticket #2638 (macros.htm - proposal) created by
- Please consider adding this code […] to the macros.htm …
- 06:19 Ticket #2637 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_.. doc example proposal) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9761] in version:
- 18:27 Ticket #2637 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_.. doc example proposal) created by
- I add Sleep(1000) Because that way you can see better what exactly is …
- 09:22 Ticket #2636 (SciTE History is not available) created by
- Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm writing to the right place, but I noteiced …
- 16:22 Ticket #2635 (Sqlite don't work with windows 2008 R2) created by
- Hi, I have a strange behavior between sqlite and Windows 2008 R2 …
- 07:22 Ticket #2569 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray - Error Code 4 When Excel Object Was Attached) closed by
- Wont Fix: Won't be fixed because the next Beta of Autoit will include a completely rewritten Excel UDF.
- 19:26 Ticket #2634 (Treat keyword Default like an unset optional parameter) created by
- When keyword Default is passed to a function for an optional parameter …
- 16:59 Ticket #2633 (more possibilities when assigning values to variables) created by
- Just a few nice things that will probably be rejected: 1) […] 2) …
- 11:54 Ticket #2632 (MouseDown dose not delay even i set MouseClickDownDelay to 2000 ...) created by
- MouseDown dose not delay 10 milliseconds, even i set …
- 16:10 Ticket #2631 (Change delimiters used in SciTE.session) created by
- Can delimiters used in SciTE.session file changed to something like …
- 12:44 Ticket #2630 (_XOR() and _XNOR() - new function) created by
- Please consider adding such a function: …
- 11:50 Ticket #2629 (GUIRegisterMsg/GUIUnregisterMsg) created by
- This is a reopening of Ticket 2624 now I have realised what …
- 15:59 Ticket #2628 (Add mode to StringRegExp) created by
- I propose add an additional mode to function StringRegExp - to allow …
- 07:21 Ticket #2627 (WinExists not working on Windows 8) closed by
- No Bug: It is true that Win8 and 7 introduce a non-breaking blank in the title "CLASS:Notepad" is better mainly when using non english windows
- 21:33 Milestone completed
- 19:45 Ticket #2624 (GUIUnRegisterMsg) closed by
- Rejected
- 18:49 Ticket #2627 (WinExists not working on Windows 8) created by
- The following code works fine on windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), but fails …
- 18:41 Ticket #2625 (_ExcelBookSaveAs() and _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawBezier() displaying ...) closed by
- Fixed
- 15:02 Ticket #2309 (ObjEvent on ADO.Connection not returning strings) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9680] in version:
- 13:59 Ticket #2618 (_StringBetween malfunction when before and after parameters are identical) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9678] in version:
- 09:46 Ticket #2613 (AutoIt crashes whenever an array value returned from a WMI query is null) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9671] in version:
- 09:43 Ticket #2622 (Object method crash autoit) closed by
- Duplicate
- 09:32 Ticket #2626 (ControlGetText wrong encoding for some words.) created by
- […] In console and in Autoit v3 Windows Info on Visible Text tab …
- 21:40 Ticket #2625 (_ExcelBookSaveAs() and _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawBezier() displaying ...) created by
- docs\autoit\english\txt2htm\txtlibfunctions\_ExcelBookSaveAs.txt ! The …
- 09:43 Ticket #2624 (GUIUnRegisterMsg) created by
- GUIRegisterMsg function is not practically possible to use in UDF. …
- 23:09 Ticket #2623 (RegDelete() returns 0 instead of 2 when unable to delete key) created by
- After installing the latest AutoIt version ( I noticed it. …
- 11:26 Ticket #2622 (Object method crash autoit) created by
- I have virtual net adapter VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 …
- 11:12 Ticket #2621 (Problem comparing strings) closed by
- No Bug: Please read Operators page, You will see that Not opetator has a higher precedence that = so your expression is executed as (Not string1) = string2
- 06:27 Ticket #2621 (Problem comparing strings) created by
- Hello, in version, I have to put the strings to be compared …
- 23:31 Ticket #2620 (Ternary operator and php 5.3 sugar syntax) created by
- Hi. Is it possible to use the sugar syntax for ternary operateur like …
- 18:23 Ticket #2619 (_ArrayDisplay does not show the presence of data in the cells, if ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9655] in version:
- 16:22 Ticket #2619 (_ArrayDisplay does not show the presence of data in the cells, if ...) created by
- #Include <Array.au3> Dim $ar[10][2] $ar[0][1] = …
- 10:29 Ticket #2618 (_StringBetween malfunction when before and after parameters are identical) created by
- As documented in this post: …
- 15:00 Ticket #2617 (Incorrect multi-byte characters in "Au3Record.exe /o") created by
- Character is not correct When i record the operation that generates …
- 08:06 Ticket #2616 (StringRegExp - new example - request) created by
- Please make a one new example which show the difference between: …
- 22:58 Ticket #2615 (TrayItemGetText: wrong Return Value in documentation) closed by
- Completed: Added by revision [9637] in version:
- 21:31 Ticket #2615 (TrayItemGetText: wrong Return Value in documentation) created by
- The documentation of the return value of TrayItemGetText() is: […] …
- 19:13 Ticket #2614 (UDPBind Socket aArray is needed by UDPRecv (not UDPSend)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9634] in version:
- 18:22 Ticket #2614 (UDPBind Socket aArray is needed by UDPRecv (not UDPSend)) created by
- In the ReturnTable of the UDPBind function is following sentence: We …
- 16:32 Ticket #2613 (AutoIt crashes whenever an array value returned from a WMI query is null) created by
- Example: _GetIPAddresses() Func _GetIPAddresses($sComputer = …
- 13:05 Ticket #2602 (GUIcreate generates blinking/flikering on W2012) closed by
- No Bug: no problem, always please to help when needed
- 23:50 Ticket #2612 (Au3Check bugs on function reference when function takes byref parameter) created by
- Code to trigger the issue: […] Au3Check gets confused and raises an …
- 14:46 Ticket #2611 (end paramter in "StringFromASCIIArray" is wrong) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9583] in version:
- 12:37 Ticket #2611 (end paramter in "StringFromASCIIArray" is wrong) created by
- Hello, the help file for the "end" paramter of the function …
- 10:52 Ticket #2610 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_5 --> <strong>Windows Vista or ...) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9575] in version:
- 10:49 Ticket #2609 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_4) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9574] in version:
- 05:14 Ticket #2610 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_5 --> <strong>Windows Vista or ...) created by
- I change : From […] _GUICtrlButton_GetNote.txt …
- 03:55 Ticket #2609 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_4) created by
- the next part.…
- 21:50 Ticket #2608 (COM Objects and Classes) created by
- Would it be possible to allow AutoIt/ObjCreate to work with object …
- 20:45 Milestone completed
- 18:07 Ticket #2607 (bad external link in _IEPropertySet doc) closed by
- Completed: Removed by revision [9558] in version:
- 17:45 Ticket #2607 (bad external link in _IEPropertySet doc) created by
- in the documentation of _IEPropertySet there is a link that point to …
- 17:43 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9555] in version:
- 15:17 Ticket #2316 (PowerPoint COM event handler initialization error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [9536] in version:
- 14:44 Ticket #2606 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_3) closed by
- Completed: Changed by revision [9530] in version:
- 14:34 Ticket #2606 (..\txtlibfunctions\ - Formating_3) created by
- btw there is still this issue: in …
- 11:49 Ticket #2605 (Macro @ScriptLineNumber returns incorrect line) created by
- […] It calls F function which returns true and backs to the first …
- 10:18 Ticket #2316 (PowerPoint COM event handler initialization error) reopened by
- Further info: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/157515-autoit-v33111-beta/#entry1141328
- 10:07 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) reopened by
- Further info: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/157515-autoit-v33111-beta/#entry1141236
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.