


21:38 Ticket #2540 (_ArrayDisplay - new parameter - copy rows and column name) created by mlipok
Please consider adding a new parameter to the function. Description …
21:27 Ticket #2539 (_ArrayUnique - parameter - $iCase - clarification) created by mlipok
$iCase [optional] Flag to indicate if the operations should be case …
16:47 Ticket #2499 (GUICtrlSendToDummy documentation clarification) closed by Melba23
16:40 Ticket #2504 (GUICtrlSendToDummy to нidden window) closed by Melba23
11:58 Ticket #2537 (_ArrayDisplay - $sHeader - proposal) closed by Jpm
Fixed: I already add info about N+1 in the doc
11:56 Ticket #2535 (Strange behaviour with FileOpenDialog and the return order of ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug


14:03 Ticket #2538 (GUISetAccelerators should take care of disabled control) created by anonymous
If an accelerator key associated with a disabled control is pressed, …
10:07 Ticket #2537 (_ArrayDisplay - $sHeader - proposal) created by mlipok
Please consider supplementing documentation for a description on how …


23:35 Ticket #2536 (_ArrayDisplay fails with default parameters) closed by Jpm
No Bug: The problem does not come from the default values but from the header definition that has only 2 columns instead a 2+1 to take care of the extra column for the row numbering […] This is due to a bug fix when creating listviewitem with more than column than the header one which now lead to no creation.
09:44 Ticket #2536 (_ArrayDisplay fails with default parameters) created by jchd18
Using default values for parameters doesn't produce a valid display in …


00:16 Ticket #2535 (Strange behaviour with FileOpenDialog and the return order of ...) created by Tlem
Not sure that you consider it like a bug, but when you use …


13:08 Ticket #2534 (SciTE4AutoIt3.exe - instalator) created by mlipok
If you do not have administrative rights, it is a problem with the …
11:46 Ticket #2533 (HelpFile - Example Section - "Copy to clipboard") closed by Mat
Fixed: Guinness has already fixed this thanks. (link is to private forum) http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/156040-v33922-copy-to-clipboard/
06:41 Ticket #2531 (_GUIImageList_Swap - description - swap not copy) closed by Jpm
03:37 Ticket #2533 (HelpFile - Example Section - "Copy to clipboard") created by mlipok
using HelpFile after click in "Copy to clipboard" in Exmaple section …


17:10 Ticket #2532 (Proposed amendments to the 6 files) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9182] in version:
17:07 Ticket #2530 (simplecalc.htm - broken link to ..... guimsgbox/guimsgbox.htm) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9181] in version:
14:40 Ticket #2532 (Proposed amendments to the 6 files) created by mlipok
intro\tutorials.htm added: <a …
14:26 Ticket #2531 (_GUIImageList_Swap - description - swap not copy) created by mlipok
in description mnow there is: […] Please make the appropriate …
14:12 Ticket #2530 (simplecalc.htm - broken link to ..... guimsgbox/guimsgbox.htm) created by mlipok
there is no such file as guimsgbox.htm


15:23 Ticket #2529 (Add Extended Window Styles constant $WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) closed by guinness
No Bug: To the poster, please pay attention to what is a bug and feature request. As BrewManNH said this is already available in the latest beta. Thank you.
10:46 Ticket #2529 (Add Extended Window Styles constant $WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) created by anonymous
It seems Extended Window Styles lack WS_EX_NOACTIVATE constant …
04:58 Ticket #2528 (Obfuscator - #Obfuscator_Ignore_Funcs) created by mlipok
Obfuscator ( I use this directive REPRO code test.au3: …
03:35 Ticket #2527 (Checkbox background colour change after mouse hovering) created by anonymous
checkbox get background colour change after mouse hovering. bug only …
00:23 Ticket #2526 (Window Titles and Text (Advanced) >> Title = '' (Blank) == [Active] ??) created by mlipok
Please consider to add description about blank Title. At the moment, …


15:06 Ticket #2518 (Static evaluates incorrect) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9179] in version:


16:05 Ticket #2519 (AutoIt3Help.exe opens help file to wrong page) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9177] in version:
10:53 Ticket #2524 (#Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo - issue and script line on AutoIt Error message) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in Beta v1.0.30.14


15:37 Ticket #2525 (TIDY Crash - (issue #2)) closed by Mat
No Bug
06:42 Ticket #2521 (_IEFormElementSetValue[5].au3) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9172] in version:


23:18 Ticket #2523 (SQlite Doesn't Work) closed by Jpm
Fixed: The pb come from a bad naming of the file to download I fix the webfile and it is OK now
23:10 Ticket #2525 (TIDY Crash - (issue #2)) created by mlipok
Try to Tidy this repro code: […] As you can see this fragmet code …
22:53 Ticket #2524 (#Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo - issue and script line on AutoIt Error message) created by mlipok
Pseudo repro code: […] now #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo create …
07:01 Ticket #2523 (SQlite Doesn't Work) created by nullschritt
SQLite simply doesnt store or return any data with this beta.


10:37 Ticket #2518 (Static evaluates incorrect) reopened by Jpm
I am sorry in my local dev environment (uppose to be in sync with the next beta) it works fine, that's the reason I close it. I ned now to find out why !!!


21:26 Ticket #2522 (OnAutoItStartRegister - Remarks <> Example - contradiction) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9160] in version:
19:53 Ticket #2522 (OnAutoItStartRegister - Remarks <> Example - contradiction) created by mlipok
now the "Remarks" added: "The function can not reference any …
19:46 Ticket #2521 (_IEFormElementSetValue[5].au3) created by mlipok
now in […] proposal on reflection: Remove: […] …
17:07 Milestone completed


22:09 Ticket #2520 (UPX 3.91) closed by guinness
20:48 Ticket #2520 (UPX 3.91) created by mlipok
http://upx.sourceforge.net/ " 30 Sep 2013: UPX 3.91 has been …
17:55 Ticket #2519 (AutoIt3Help.exe opens help file to wrong page) created by BrewManNH
In the recent versions of AutoIt, when you open the help file with the …
14:03 Ticket #2171 (Inconsistent delay for TCPTimeout option) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9155] in version:
07:55 Ticket #2517 (MustDeclareVars=1 as default) closed by James
Rejected: I'm marking this as closed since there has been no further responses.
06:39 Ticket #2518 (Static evaluates incorrect) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: Already fixed in
05:19 Ticket #2518 (Static evaluates incorrect) created by Taz77 <autoit@…>
[…] outputs: […] ---- properly it would be: […] ---- …


18:09 Ticket #2315 (Server 2012 @OSVersion not correct) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [9151] in version:
16:58 Ticket #2315 (Server 2012 @OSVersion not correct) reopened by Jpm


19:38 Ticket #2517 (MustDeclareVars=1 as default) created by Raik
Because i stumbled over scripts again and again, throwing "variable …


23:55 Ticket #2516 (FileGetTime - parameter porposal - filename and dir) closed by guinness
Completed: Changed by revision [9147] in version:
20:09 Ticket #2516 (FileGetTime - parameter porposal - filename and dir) created by mlipok
in FileGetTime in parameter: "filename" please consider to change …


04:33 Ticket #2515 (Force close the std out stream will have memory leak in windows XP) created by anonymous
If we use StdioClose to force close the std out stream, it will have …


20:09 Ticket #2514 (_FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3!) closed by guinness
20:00 Ticket #2514 (_FileWriteFromArray - Count of elements in 2nd dimension is fixed to 3!) created by BugFix
If you write an 2D-Array with more than 3 elements in columns, you get …
06:13 Ticket #2513 (TCPSend() Not functioning with string over 225 characters in length.) created by NullSchritt
Hello I have found a bug that appears to be present in all the most …


11:19 Ticket #2512 (ObjName crash) created by anonymous
$oHTTP = ObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") $oHTTP.Open("GET", …


08:17 Ticket #2511 (New Macro @SourceName) closed by Jpm
Rejected: @ScriptName relates to the script launched not the include files. as stated by BrewManNH, compiles script will no longer have reference to include lines. so even the @ScriptLineNumber will be irrelevant. We don't intend to modify the way Compile script can use @ScriptName and @ScriptLineNumber


14:11 Ticket #2510 (Empty variable) closed by Jpm
No Bug: AutoIt is doing conversion when variable type are not the same so "" and 0 are the same after conversion NO BUG
13:27 Ticket #2511 (New Macro @SourceName) created by Fulgor
12:57 Ticket #2510 (Empty variable) created by Fulgor
07:53 Ticket #2509 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) closed by guinness


22:44 Ticket #2509 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) created by anonymous
08:36 Ticket #2508 (Proposed amendments to the 50 files: _GDIPlus....) closed by Jpm
00:21 Ticket #2508 (Proposed amendments to the 50 files: _GDIPlus....) created by mlipok
_FileWriteToLine.txt _GDIPlus_ArrowCapCreate.txt …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.