


15:59 Ticket #2323 (BlockInput(1) Unique Bug) created by bsimecek@…
BlockInput(1) works great on windows 7 and windows xp locally. If you …


12:59 Ticket #2322 (Random() produces unexpected result.) created by autoit@…
If the MIN and MAX values are the same number, the result should be …


20:36 Ticket #2297 (Tidy copying last line(s) of script to top of the script) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in v2.3.0.5


15:30 Ticket #2321 (FileDelete() does NOT delete ADS files) created by Exit
FileDelete() does not delete Alternate Data Streams. Here a …


16:00 Ticket #2320 (_IENavigate return values) created by BrewManNH
It appears from looking at the _IENavigate function that the return …


00:26 Ticket #2319 (_Singleton is not working at all) closed by guinness
Works For Me: The example in the help file worked under Windows 7 x64 SP1 and XP SP3. Please use the Forum if you're unclear of how to use the function.


14:53 Ticket #2319 (_Singleton is not working at all) created by Eugenii
_Singleton doesn't return 0, if there are more than one instance of …
10:09 Ticket #2318 (simple _isPressed middle mouse is not working) closed by guinness
No Bug
09:52 Ticket #2318 (simple _isPressed middle mouse is not working) created by trettt@…
hold middle button in notepad, only one 'a' gets pressed Local …


15:33 Ticket #2317 (ObjCreate Memory Leak) created by IanN1990
According to the Helpfile. Setting any Object with a number or string …
14:09 Ticket #2316 (PowerPoint COM event handler initialization error) created by anonymous
I'm getting this error while trying to initialize a com event handler …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.